206 | Collaborative Case Study #2: Utilizing Collaborative Strategies to 5x her Passive income and 7x her total income with Ana Valle Rivera

Collaborative strategies can lead to substantial business growth when coupled with a positive mindset and strategic implementation.


Danielle shares another short snippet from our Collaborative Growth Workshop!

This part of the workshop was a case study from one of our Mastermind members Ana. Ana is a mom of three, a public speaker, a consultant and the Founder of Early Years Thriving which is a platform that provides education, tools, strategies, resources for early childhood educators. Ana shares the value of implementing the strategies that we have been teaching around collaborations on how they have helped her to 5x her passive income and 7x her total income!

Mindset Shift in Collaboration:

  • Anna shares the transformative impact of a collaborative mindset on her business.

  • Overcoming fears, such as idea theft and training others, resulted in significant growth.

Investing in Personal Growth:

  • Anna emphasizes the value of investing in herself through the mastermind, leading to small but impactful tweaks that fueled massive business growth.

Collaborative Wins and Achievements:

  • Anna achieved a 5x increase in passive income and a remarkable 7x growth in total income during the summer months.

  • Despite the challenges of balancing motherhood without childcare, Anna hit her annual income goal, prompting her to dream even bigger.

Action Steps:

  • Challenge Your Mindset Barriers:

    • Identify and confront fears hindering collaboration, such as idea theft or reluctance to train others.

  • Invest in Self-Growth:

    • Consider joining masterminds or programs that provide valuable insights and tweaks for business improvement.

  • Prioritize Collaborative Approaches:

    • Shift focus from transactional exchanges to collaborative partnerships, creating win-win scenarios for all involved.

  • Celebrate Wins and Set Higher Goals:

    • Acknowledge and celebrate achievements, no matter the scale.

    • Allow successes to inspire setting ambitious future goals.

Remember, collaborative strategies can lead to substantial business growth when coupled with a positive mindset and strategic implementation.

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[00:00:00] Danielle: Welcome back to the Business Babes Collective podcast. I am so excited to have you here today. I'm sharing a another snippet from our collaborative growth workshop that we hosted this month. This part of the workshop was a case study from one of our mastermind members. Her name is Anna. Anna is a mom of three.

[00:00:22] Danielle: She's a public speaker and a consultant, and she's the founder of. early years thriving. In this case study, Anna shares the value of implementing the strategies that we have been teaching around collaborations and how those have specifically helped her 5x her passive income and 7x her total income. I know you are going to be So inspired by this story.

[00:00:46] Danielle: We absolutely love Anna. She is a rockstar mom and entrepreneur, someone who has three kids who doesn't have childcare and is still implementing the strategies that we're teaching to [00:01:00] be able to five and seven X. her income streams, which is so incredible. So I want you to be inspired by this story. I want you to understand that this is totally possible for you when you have the right mindset, when you are able to implement the right strategies and have the right community around you.

[00:01:21] Danielle: There is. No limit to what you can create with your business. So I hope you hear that within this case study today. I hope it inspires you. I hope it gets you excited. So now let's dive into our episode today. I cannot wait for you to all hear from Anna. Welcome to the business babes collective podcast. I'm your host, Danielle. In this podcast, you'll learn tangible business tips and strategies.

[00:01:47] Danielle: On how to grow successfully and sustainably. We'll also interview seasoned entrepreneurs so you can listen in on their stories and see behind the scenes Of what it took to grow and scale their businesses. Let's dive [00:02:00] in as we discuss the wild exciting crazy Challenging rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship.

[00:02:07] Danielle: Anna is a mom of three. She's a public speaker She's a consultant and she's the founder of early years thriving Anna Tell us a little bit about what collaborative strategies have has meant to your business. How have collaborations changed your business and implementing these strategies that you have been over the past several months?

[00:02:28] Danielle: We'd love to hear the results that you've gotten from that. Yes. Okay.

[00:02:31] Anna: So first of all, I was already a paid public speaker. I was already hosting my own virtual events, which I felt like we're, they were okay. They were a success, but they were really burning me out. So I didn't really know what to expect, like joining this mastermind, but I did go to your event and I saw Danielle up there.

[00:02:50] Anna: And first of all, Danielle was pregnant and I'm a mom of three, by the way. So I'm like this person who like, I don't know anybody else. That's like me, right? Who I didn't take a mat [00:03:00] leave. I just continued with my business to grow my business. And I was like feeling really alone, to be honest, in those first six months of running my business, continuing to run these workshops and virtual events and all this kind of stuff.

[00:03:13] Anna: But I felt really alone. And when I saw you on stage, I know this sounds so cheesy everybody, but it was like this ray of like light just walking up and I was like, Oh my goodness. And she's pregnant. I need to know this woman, whoever she is. So once I joined the mastermind, I realized what this is all about and about the collaborations and how it can help my business.

[00:03:36] Anna: And it has been amazing because. Taking a collaborative approach has made me really question my own mindset barriers. I thought I was, okay, I'm just laughing because somebody wrote, and she's pregnant. Yeah, she was pregnant. I was like, she's pregnant! Because I've been there three times. So I thought I was like, the only person that does this sort of thing, right?

[00:03:58] Anna: Because I didn't know anybody else. [00:04:00] Anyway, the collaborative approach allowed me to really question my own mindset barriers. I had a ton of barriers, fear, like you said, that somebody's going to take my idea, fear of my, I'm going to send a proposal and then somebody else is just going to be like, aha, this is now my proposal and I'm going to do it.

[00:04:18] Anna: Fear of training other people. Workshop facilitators. Cause I also do that as part of the business. And there was just all these fears that were stopping me from reaching out to people, making the bold moves that I needed to make and being part of the mastermind, it sounds really funny for anybody who hasn't invested in themselves, but like investing in myself into the mastermind was so worth it, even for that one or two things.

[00:04:44] Anna: That I, like those one or two little tweaks that I was missing, you know, and then it like made everything just grow like massively and I've been able to like lock in speakers that I was like, Whoa, I never even knew that they would say yes to me. It's made me some [00:05:00] proposals get accepted that I was like, Whoa, I never thought anybody would want to work with me on this or say yes to this proposal, but because I've made it really collaborative and not made it about, Hey.

[00:05:11] Anna: I'm paying you or Hey, you're paying me. So we're exchanging services. It's about like, how can I help you? How can you help me? How can we help each other so that we're all winning? It's, it's a model that just helps everybody win.

[00:05:25] Danielle: Yes. So good. Amazing. And do you feel comfortable? I know you've had some big wins.

[00:05:30] Danielle: Do you feel comfortable sharing any big wins with us? Okay.

[00:05:33] Anna: So I'm not going to like talk numbers, but what I can do is I'll talk about the amount of growth that I've had in the summer. So keep in mind that like last year I had a baby in August, August was like one of my lowest earning months because I also, the baby was five weeks early.

[00:05:51] Anna: So that messed up my whole business plan. And so I felt like I had to adjust to baby coming early and doing this all [00:06:00] on my own. And I did an event three months after having the baby and a virtual event. And it was like, it was, again, it was okay, but I really burned myself out. And so once I joined the mastermind.

[00:06:12] Anna: Those little tweaks made it such a huge difference, and I felt encouraged to make these big wins, or these big moves, so that I could share these wins. I know how funny that sounds. And, I'm happy to say that compared to the summer months, I 5x'd. my passive income and 7x my income compared to the summer months, which is like huge considering that I don't have childcare right now, by the way, like I had to, I had to tell my hubby.

[00:06:39] Anna: I was like, please, cause he's an entrepreneur too. I'm like, please just watch for 20 minutes and then I'll come back up and be in mom mode. So considering that I don't have childcare. Three children. I had three children with me over the summer. Yeah. The 5X of the passive income and the 7X of my total income was just huge.

[00:06:55] Anna: And I actually hit my goal for the year. I wanted to make a [00:07:00] certain amount this year. And I'm now I'm like, what if I 10 X it? What if I 20 X it? And yeah, so that's been the biggest win for sure. And

[00:07:07] Danielle: I hear amazing. You are. Power mom, power business woman. I'm so proud of you. And I love celebrating your wins.

[00:07:16] Danielle: It's amazing. So thank you for being here. And I know you've got your kiddos, but if you can stick around, I might ask you to come pop back on all of you ladies at the end as well. Thank you so much, Anna. Can we say thank you, Anna, in the chat for sharing her story? I'm so grateful for you.

[00:07:35] Danielle: If you love this episode, make sure you screenshot, post, and tag us on Instagram at Business Babes Co. Want to know when the next episode goes live? Subscribe on your podcast app, and while you're there, leave us a review. Until next time, keep dreaming big, setting goals, and taking action.

Danielle Wiebe