207 | Collaborative Case Study #3 From Burnout to Thriving and Creating Bonus Revenue on Mat Leave with Taylor Aller

Collaboration is not just a buzzword; it's a powerful tool for sustainable business growth!


Danielle shares another short snippet from our Collaborative Growth Workshop!

This part of the workshop was a case study from one of our Mastermind members, Taylor. Taylor is a six-figure multi-passionate entrepreneur Registered Massage therepers, Educator, TEDx Speaker, and Business Consultant. In this case study she talked about how the use of collaborations in her business helped her go from extreme burnout to thriving in her business.

She also shares about a specific collaboration that she created with another member of our community and how they built another business together, created an additional income stream for herself, sold out this event and were able to double their revenue in that business over the past year.

Collaboration Revolution:

  • Danielle sets the stage for a transformative discussion on the power of collaborations in business growth.

  • Emphasizes tangible tips and strategies for sustainable business expansion.

Meet Taylor Aller: A Multi-Talented Entrepreneur:

  • Introduction of Taylor Aller, a six-figure entrepreneur, RMT educator, TEDx speaker, and business consultant.

  • Highlights Taylor's diverse talents and the multitude of roles she plays in her entrepreneurial journey.

Collaborations: The Game-Changer for Taylor:

  • Taylor shares her entrepreneurial journey pre and post-discovery of collaborative strategies.

  • Underscores the shift from burnout to profitability by strategically engaging in collaborations.

Strategic Collaboration: A Solution to Overwhelm:

  • Taylor's perspective on collaboration as the remedy for overwhelm and the key to making business endeavors more manageable.

  • Encourages entrepreneurs to recognize the limits of doing everything alone.

Taylor's Collaborative Success Story:

  • Taylor narrates a collaborative initiative with her partner Diane, addressing gaps in healthcare for expecting parents during the pandemic.

  • Describes the success of a virtual event, selling out 500+ seats, doubling income, and making a positive impact.

Action Steps:

  • Embrace Collaboration Mindset:

    • Shift from solo endeavors to embracing a collaborative mindset for enhanced business success.

  • Identify Collaboration Opportunities:

    • Recognize gaps in your industry and seek collaborative opportunities to address and capitalize on them.

  • Strategic Collaboration for Profitability:

    • Strategically collaborate with like-minded individuals to alleviate overwhelm and achieve profitability.

  • Inspiration from Diverse Success Stories:

    • Gain inspiration from diverse entrepreneurial journeys, showcasing the universal applicability of collaborative strategies.

  • Take Action on Collaborative Opportunities:

    • Start incorporating collaborations into your business model, regardless of your current business stage or schedule constraints.

Remember, collaboration is not just a buzzword; it's a powerful tool for sustainable business growth. 

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[00:00:00] Danielle: Welcome back to another episode of the Business Babes Collective podcast. I'm your host Danielle Wiebe and today on the podcast I'm sharing our final collaborative case study and today our case study is from one of our mastermind members. Taylor Aller. So Taylor has actually been on the podcast several times before, so if you are a longtime listener, you'll be familiar with her.

[00:00:23] Danielle: She's a six figure multi-passionate entrepreneur. She's a registered massage therapist, an educator, a TEDx speaker, and a business consultant. And in this case study, she talks about how she used. collaborations in her business to help her go from extreme burnout to thriving in her business. She also shares about a specific collaboration that she created with another member of our community and how they were able to build another business altogether and create an additional income stream for herself while she was on mat leave.

[00:00:57] Danielle: So she will talk about that [00:01:00] specific business and how she created it and what it looked like, but it is just. such a cool story and I love this story so much because it just shows the power of what's possible. When you open your mind to these collaborative ideas and working with other people, there are so many different opportunities and things that you can do to not only grow your own business, But create a new business or create collaborative relationships or referral partners or people that you can cross refer.

[00:01:28] Danielle: Like it is just so powerful to think of what's possible when you start to implement some of the strategies that we teach inside of our community and to our clients. So before we dive into this case study, a reminder that the doors are officially open to our brand new collaborative community. Action Takers Club 3.

[00:01:49] Danielle: 0. So this community is exactly what you need if you are someone who wants to scale their business in 2024 and you want to gain massive momentum, you want to [00:02:00] gain visibility, and you want to increase your income and impact. Without sacrificing what matters most. So inside of this community, you're going to learn the exact collaborative strategies that we have used inside of our business.

[00:02:15] Danielle: And this collaborative strategies that we've taught our clients and helped them gain exposure to thousands of their ideal clients and double or triple, or as you saw in the past episode, if you haven't listened to that episode yet, definitely do that. Anna was able to 7x her revenue using these collaborative strategies.

[00:02:34] Danielle: So you are going to learn everything that we teach. You're also going to have the ability to be coached and mentored by not only myself, but guest experts who have mastered the art of collaboration and who have mastered the art of relationship marketing. So if you are someone who really wants to grow your business in a way that feels really good and really authentic.

[00:02:58] Danielle: This is definitely the [00:03:00] place to be. We're not talking about short term hacks or how to go viral on social media. We're talking about strategic sustainable business practices that will build a foundation for your business so that your business lasts long term. You will not only have the opportunity to be coached by myself and other friends experts within this industry, but you'll also be connected with an incredible group of women entrepreneurs who want to collaborate rather than compete and will support you and brainstorm with you and celebrate your wins.

[00:03:33] Danielle: Once you jump inside, you will no longer have to do this journey of entrepreneurship alone and you're going to get immediate access to our active online community hub. where there are already impactful connections being made. You're also going to get access to our hot seat coaching and our connecting collab calls.

[00:03:51] Danielle: These are such fun opportunities to make intentional connections with inspiring entrepreneurs and maybe even meet your next business [00:04:00] bestie. We are going to be implementing accountability challenges as well as teaching in depth collaborative strategy over the next several months. And right now, when you become a founding member, there are.

[00:04:11] Danielle: incredible bonuses that you can get access to. So don't wait to join. If you want to learn more, you can go ahead and click the link in our show notes to watch our workshop that we did at the beginning of this month. That shares everything that you would need to know in order to make a decision whether this community is the right fit for you.

[00:04:29] Danielle: You can also send me a DM over on Dani Living Life with the word collab, and I'm happy to send you the details there as well. And if you have any questions. Send me a message. I would love to hear from you and I'm happy to share whether or not I think this would be a great fit for you. If it's not, I'm happy to also give you other opportunities or refer you elsewhere.

[00:04:51] Danielle: I'm not afraid to do that. Um, so if I don't think it's a good fit for you and where you're at in your business right now, I will be honest with you and I will let you know. So [00:05:00] message me, let me know. I would love to hear from you and I can't wait to get to know you more. So, let's go ahead now and dive into our case study with Taylor.

[00:05:10] Danielle: Welcome to the Business Babes Collective podcast. I'm your host, Danielle Wiebe. In this podcast, you'll learn tangible business tips and strategies on how to grow successfully and sustainably. We'll also interview seasoned entrepreneurs so you can listen in on their stories and see behind the scenes of what it took to grow and scale their businesses.

[00:05:30] Danielle: Let's dive in as we discuss the wild, exciting, crazy, challenging rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship. Welcome Taylor to the virtual. Taylor Aller is a six figure entrepreneur, serves British Columbia as an RMT educator, TEDx speaker, and business consultant. She is a multi potentialite, which if you join us and you get to know her more, you'll know she does a million and one things and she is so multi talented.

[00:05:58] Danielle: And so Taylor, [00:06:00] tell us, you've, you've been a part of our community for a very long time. Tell us what collaborations have meant to you in your business growth.

[00:06:09] Taylor: They're pretty much everything. I, before I found this community, I, I've been an entrepreneur for probably close to 15 years, actually maybe longer.

[00:06:18] Taylor: And before I found this community, I was trying to do everything myself. And this was like before a lot of the internet blew up. So I was like really reading books and my dad was an entrepreneur and he didn't always have the best advice, but I was like, dad, what should I do here? And anyways, Until I found this community, I was trying to piecemeal all these things, and it led to a lot of burnout.

[00:06:39] Taylor: I don't know if anybody here has experienced burnout, but if you have, let me know in the chat. It sucks so bad, and I'm not talking the social media burnout that we glorify, but it's real hard. I could barely get out of bed. It is dragging to do everything. I felt like I was working so hard, and I wasn't making any money.

[00:06:54] Taylor: It was rough. And then when I found this community, because I'm a giver, if you meet me for [00:07:00] more than five minutes, I will be like, Oh, can I give you this? Can I share this? Can I connect you with this? It is just a part of who I am. And I just felt like I was getting sucked dry from everything and I wasn't getting anything in return.

[00:07:08] Taylor: And the minute I found this community and learned how to collaborate strategically, but also with other people who are the same as me, who are also givers too, it was Everything, like my business became obviously more profitable, all of those things, which are like really great. And that's the point of business, but it made it in a way that was.

[00:07:28] Taylor: Easier to me, I didn't have to work so hard and I didn't have to do everything by myself. And I live by the saying that you can do anything you want. Cause I like to do a lot of things. You just can't do it all at once and you can't do it by yourself. And those two points are crucial. You cannot do it all at once and you cannot do it by yourself and.

[00:07:47] Taylor: Finding the collaborative piece fixed that piece of the puzzle for me. And it's been a part of

[00:07:51] Danielle: everything I do. Oh, so good. Can you tell us specifically about an opportunity that you created, which was a collaborative [00:08:00] opportunity? And I know you met your partner that you're doing this collaboration within our community as well.

[00:08:05] Danielle: And what you've co created together. Would love to hear.

[00:08:08] Taylor: Oh, so many things, but the most recent and exciting. So just a bit of backstory. I'm a mom of two. I had a baby girl in 2021 and I had my son seven months ago. And while I was going through that, I realized there was a huge gap in our healthcare system and I work in healthcare.

[00:08:24] Taylor: So you think I should have noticed this gap and I have a lot of connections. And collaborations in the healthcare community, but I was really struggling to find somebody who saw this same gap. And I found my business partner, Diane. I found her through the mastermind that we've been a part of and a part of this community.

[00:08:38] Taylor: And her and I decided to collaborate and create a virtual event. Cause at the time this was during COVID. So it was when my first was born and I was on mat leave with my daughter. So of course, like on leave, I go and start another business. But anyway, and we created a virtual event. to connect experts to expecting parents because we found the experts exist to help you, especially locally here in British Columbia and in Canada, [00:09:00] but the expecting parents are just so overwhelmed and it was in the middle of the pandemic.

[00:09:03] Taylor: A lot of the services had changed or shut down and they didn't know what was available. So it was like, let's create a virtual event. Let's create a place where all of these people can come and connect with each other. And we sold out over 500 seats. We, like, capped our capacity, we couldn't, people were trying to get more tickets, I was like, I'm sorry, we've maxed out our Zoom, we can't have any more people, and it was just bananas.

[00:09:22] Taylor: We had sponsors, we had a charity component, we had, I can't remember, I think thousands and thousands of dollars of stuff to give away to these parents. It was, Amazing. And so we repeated it again this year and we sold out again and we to X our income this time. And it was just so fun. And we brought on a team member and yeah, it's been so great to collaborate with die.

[00:09:43] Taylor: And that's my business partner, Diane die. And yeah, to be able to do this and serve this community that we. And she's a pelvic floor physiotherapist. I'm a registered massage therapist. So we see a lot of perinatal patients and it was such a great addition to not only boost our practices, but serve this gap [00:10:00] and have a lot of fun along the way and make some money and donate to charity.

[00:10:03] Taylor: Like it just is a win everywhere. And so that was a really fun collaboration that I've done recently, but there's been so many. Thank you

[00:10:10] Danielle: so much Taylor for sharing guys,

[00:10:11] Taylor: so much fun. I'm having a blast in there.

[00:10:15] Danielle: You guys are amazing. Yes. In the chat, if you have gotten some inspiration, your wheels are turning, you're starting to see how these collaborative events and different opportunities can make a huge impact in your own business.

[00:10:29] Danielle: I wanted to bring on these women, not only because they're just amazing. And I think you should all know them. But I also wanted to bring them on because again, I wanted you to see that this works, no matter what your business model is, no matter where you're at in your business, no matter if you've got a crazy schedule, three kids with no childcare, like Anna or like Taylor with multiple different entrepreneurial feats that she's doing, or Lisa, who has a whole real estate portfolio, and she's also doing her podcast.

[00:10:56] Danielle: There's lots of different opportunities for you to. [00:11:00] Incorporate collaborations into your business.

[00:11:06] Danielle: If you love this episode, make sure you screenshot, post, and tag us on Instagram at business babes. Co want to know when the next episode goes live, subscribe on your podcast app, and while you're there, give us a review until next time, keep dreaming big setting goals and taking action.

Danielle Wiebe