205 | Collaborative Case Study #1: Guest Speaking, Podcasting & Events with Real Estate Investor and Coach Lisa Michaud

The power of collaboration lies in genuine connections, strategic planning, and creating value for everyone involved.


Danielle shares a short snippet from our Collaborative Growth Workshop. This part of the workshop was a case study from one of our Mastermind members, Lisa Michaud. Lisa shares the value of collaborations on how they have helped her grow her business and secure paid speaking gigs, new clients and over 200,000 in real estate investment!

Power of Collaborations for Business Growth

  • Lisa emphasizes that relationships and collaborations are crucial for business success.

  • Real magic happens when you step away from the computer and engage with people and community.

Building Trust and Value in Collaborations

  • Lisa shares her journey of attending an event seven years ago, resulting in a paid speaking engagement and subsequent opportunities.

  • The importance of bringing value to a community and genuinely caring about its members.

Podcasting as a Strategic Tool

  • Lisa highlights the benefits of podcasting, including building authority, credibility, and connecting with a broader audience.

  • The podcast has led to significant revenue streams and over $200,000 in investments.

Upcoming Collaborative Event

  • Lisa and Danielle are collaborating on a real estate event, bringing in experts to share insights on creating additional revenue streams.

  • The event, scheduled for early 2024, aims to enhance collaboration and community building.

Action Steps:

  • Prioritize Relationship Building:

    • Focus on building authentic relationships within your industry or niche.

  • Explore Podcasting Opportunities:

    • Consider starting a podcast to build authority, credibility, and connect with a wider audience.

  • Strategically Plan Collaborative Events:

    • Learn from Lisa's approach to collaborative events; consider bringing in experts to enhance community engagement.

  • Attend Live Events:

    • Attend industry events and engage with communities to foster meaningful connections.

  • Stay Connected:

    • Connect with Lisa on Golden Girls Podcast and stay tuned for updates on the upcoming collaborative event.

Remember, the power of collaboration lies in genuine connections, strategic planning, and creating value for everyone involved.

Connect with Lisa:





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[00:00:00] Danielle: Welcome to another episode of the business babes collective podcast. I am your host Danielle Wiebe, and I'm really excited for today's episode. I'm going to be sharing a short snippet from our collaborative growth workshop that we hosted last week. And this part in the workshop specifically was a case study from one of our mastermind members.

[00:00:19] Danielle: Lisa. So Lisa shares the value of collaborations and the role it has played with the growth of her business, how it has helped her to secure paid speaking gigs and new clients and over 200, 000 in real estate investment. So before we dive into this case, study. If you have not heard the exciting news, our brand new collaborative community has just launched action takers club 3.

[00:00:45] Danielle: 0. And inside you are going to have the opportunity to gain massive momentum for your business, get visible and take your business to the next level of income and impact without sacrificing what matters most. So [00:01:00] here are three things that I can promise you, you will gain when you join. So first you're going to learn the exact collaboration strategies that we have used and taught our clients that have helped them double their revenue.

[00:01:14] Danielle: And we even had one of our. clients 7x the revenue using these collaborative strategies. So if you are looking to land dream collaborations and dream partnerships in 2024, this is your community to do that. You'll also have the ability to be coached by myself and my guest experts who have mastered the art of collaborations and relationship marketing.

[00:01:37] Danielle: And then lastly, sleep, you're going to get connected with a group of incredible women who want to collaborate rather than compete. So these women are women that will support you and celebrate your wins. We are all in this together. So I am so excited for you to jump into action takers club 3. 0. We have some incredible founding member.

[00:01:59] Danielle: bonuses [00:02:00] happening right now. So if you are interested, then either DM me the word collab and I can send you the workshop so you can get more information or you can click the link in the show notes and watch our collaborative workshop in full. All right, now let's go ahead and get started with our case study today.

[00:02:18] Danielle: Welcome to the Business Vibes Collective podcast. I'm your host, Danielle Wiebe. In this podcast, you'll learn tangible business tips and strategies on how to grow successfully and sustainably. We'll also interview seasoned entrepreneurs, so you can listen in on their stories and see behind the scenes of what it took to grow and scale their businesses.

[00:02:38] Danielle: Let's dive in as we discuss the wild, exciting, crazy, challenging rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship. Let's talk about our... collaborative case studies. I'm going to go ahead and invite on some of our amazing mastermind members. I have the privilege to bring on Lisa [00:03:00] Michaud. She's been a part of our community for a very long time.

[00:03:03] Danielle: We love you here, Lisa. And Lisa is the host of the golden girls podcast. She is also a real estate coach and investor with over 90. doors. She helps millennial real estate investors start and scale multifamily portfolio. Lisa, welcome to the virtual stage. So excited to have you. So I would love for you to share a little bit more about what has been the power of collaborations and community when it comes to you growing your own business.

[00:03:35] Danielle: Yeah. I

[00:03:35] Lisa: think it's really literally everything. Relationships are so important and I tried, I've tried like the email stuff, the social media thing, and it's just doesn't feel fun for me. There's nothing that I hate more than spending time tweaking email, sending emails, like worrying about social media strategy, we're figuring out the right hashtags to each their own, right?

[00:03:56] Lisa: Like we all have our own gifts. We all have our own strengths, but I know for [00:04:00] me, the magic really happens when I leave the computer. And where I feel like I'm having fun where I feel like I'm thriving and that's always with people and always with community. So I feel like, I don't know if you were giving out tattoos yet, but I will be getting an OG business babes tattoo because I remember going to one of your first events, like back seven or more years ago, I remember speaking at one of your events and I just want to like.

[00:04:21] Lisa: Share the story because I think this was back in 2016, where I spoke at an event and Taylor's in for the matching tattoos. So let's go. Let's make that happen. I spoke at an event of yours seven years ago, and this is just one seed and one thread. Earlier this year in 2023, I was invited to speak at another event, so I got a paid speaking engagement out of that.

[00:04:42] Lisa: From that event came two more opportunities for paid speaking engagements and collaboration partner, referral partners, all from one seed that was planted at one of your events seven years ago. And you can't always connect all the dots. You certainly can't connect them going forwards and you don't always, you're not [00:05:00] always able to connect them going backwards.

[00:05:01] Lisa: But that's one that's just. So clear of how that looks like. Yeah. That's just one example of a one event and the things that came from that.

[00:05:09] Danielle: I love when I hear those stories, it actually really warms my heart because here's the thing, Kate, I want you guys to hear this. Lisa, when we started to get to know each other, you came to my events, you started building relationships with me.

[00:05:23] Danielle: It was so authentic. You just showed up as yourself and you showed up as someone who just had value. And I can't remember exactly how it happened, whether you pitched me to be a part of my, one of my events, or you shared this idea with me. And I'm sure it took maybe a few months to get something going.

[00:05:40] Danielle: But I remember the value that you added and this is where I really want to hit home for people. You showed up. And you brought value. You didn't bring value specifically to do with the audience that you already had that you were bringing to our community, even though you had started to grow your own audience.

[00:05:59] Danielle: That's not what I was [00:06:00] interested in. I was interested in you bringing value to our community, and you showed up. You not only brought value, but you actually cared about our community. You cared about our community, you involved yourself, you were showing, you were showing up at our events, you were showing up on our online community, supporting other people, and that's what built the trust with me.

[00:06:22] Danielle: And then when you actually spoke at one of our events, it was like, oh my gosh, okay, Lisa is amazing. I need to just have her a part of my community forever. And we've collaborated. several times since then. And so now Lisa is a part of our mastermind. She has been a part of our community for a long time, like I said.

[00:06:40] Danielle: And so I just wanted to share that, like you said, the compound effects are amazing. What I wanted to speak to and the reason I brought that up is because that goes back to the mistakes that I see people making is they don't actually care. About the communities that they're wanting to be a part of.

[00:06:56] Danielle: They're just wanting to get something out of it. This is what I want to do. You [00:07:00] guys, I want to break that here right now. The best results that you're going to have from collaborations is when you truly understand the power of making it a win for everyone. So thank you, Lisa. I know you've also had really great results with your podcast.

[00:07:16] Danielle: Do you want to speak a little bit to that? Just the collaborations that you've been able to do for that. You speaking on other people's podcasts, you've been on our podcast as well. So yeah. And you've been on ours.

[00:07:26] Lisa: Yeah. Yeah. The podcast. So I think it's also like leaning into where, like where you feel naturally, like you're good at it and what excites you too.

[00:07:35] Lisa: So I saw a lot of people lighting up the chat with like podcast, podcast. And that's awesome. Like that, like you should follow that. And for me, I did. And it's been incredible. Like one example, I. I have put a pause on it, but I used to run a mastermind called Golden Girls Mastermind, and it was a six month personal growth mastermind.

[00:07:52] Lisa: And one year, I had, I think, five, all five out of five came from networking, and three of the people came from either an [00:08:00] affiliate, Or even like a podcast guest became one of my, one of my mastermind clients. We're talking like 000 in revenue from the podcast in that one example. We also in real estate, we work with a lot of private lenders and investors.

[00:08:16] Lisa: Having a podcast allows me to build authority, grow credibility, also just connect with people. They build trust. They get to know us. They get to know what we're doing. And we brought in over 200, 000 in investments from some of these collaborations. So it's really amazing. Like I really believe not only is the podcast super fun, even if I didn't have to do it, which I don't have to look, I would always want to do it.

[00:08:38] Lisa: I enjoy it. I love it. And that's just such an incredible tool also to connect me with new people, to allow me to also add value to other people, like. When I meet people that I'm like, Oh my gosh, these people are so cool. And I may not be their ideal client right now, or I may not need their services, but I got people who definitely do need to know them.

[00:08:55] Lisa: And it's a way to add value both to my community and also to these amazing people that I meet. [00:09:00] So it creates that, as you said it, the triple win for everybody. Like a win for me. Cause I get to have fun doing this, a win for my audience. Cause they're learning about something incredible, a win for this amazing person that now I get to have in my network and I get to help them connect.

[00:09:13] Danielle: Okay, and then also lastly, I would love for you to share a little bit about, you don't have to give too much detail because I know you're still working on things behind the scenes, but maybe share a little bit of details on what we've been working on over these past several months and something that's coming up for you as far as collaboration goes.

[00:09:29] Lisa: Yeah. Okay. So we've been hosting real estate events for the last almost two years now, and they've been steadily growing and growing. And what I've noticed is I feel like we've hit the ceiling of what I want to see the ceiling, but it's, I feel like now to get more people, it feels hard. It feels like I'm going to need to do something different.

[00:09:45] Lisa: And so that's where I've been learning from Danielle about her collaborative events. So we're in the process of putting together our first collaborative event, where instead of me having to find all the people, we can actually bring in other speakers, other experts that have their own communities [00:10:00] and build that collaboration together and build our communities more than we could just do on our own and quicker than we could do on our own.

[00:10:05] Lisa: Yeah. We don't have all the details, but it's essentially going to be, it's going to be an early 2024. And instead of just like me and Troy being like, Hey guys, welcome to the party. We're going to, we're inviting a whole host. experts. And it's all around creating additional revenue streams. We're bringing in other, some other real estate experts, but also some financial experts, passive income experts, just to learn about what are the different ways that you can add additional revenue streams to your life, to your business.

[00:10:31] Lisa: Yeah. And we're really excited about it. We've got some amazing speakers already, people that have already said yes, which is so exciting. And it's been amazing to have Danielle. Support through that. And just learning so much from like her process, her timelines, her templates, like Danielle is just really not only genuine and authentic and real in what she does, she walks the talks and she's also super smart about how she does it.

[00:10:50] Lisa: I'm sure you guys are seeing this. Like she doesn't just do things. She does things from her heart, but she also does it strategically. And so I don't know if there's anybody better than

[00:10:57] Danielle: Danielle to learn that from. You're [00:11:00] amazing, Lisa. I love you so much. And I'm so grateful that we got to spotlight you today.

[00:11:04] Danielle: Can we just say thank you in the chat to Lisa for sharing her collaborative approach? I hope you guys learned a little bit about what this can actually mean in your business. And the reason why I wanted to bring you on is because I don't want people to just see, Oh yeah, cool. That's what you've done, Danielle.

[00:11:19] Danielle: But these collaborative strategies work, no matter what your business is, no matter what structure you have with your business, it works for your business. I promise you, there's an idea. For you out there of how you can use these strategies for your business. So thank you, Lisa. If

[00:11:36] Danielle: you love this episode, make sure you screenshot, post and tag us on Instagram at business babes. Co want to know when the next episode goes live, subscribe on your podcast app. And while you're there, give us a review until next time, keep dreaming big, setting goals and taking action.

Danielle Wiebe