200 | 3 Business Lessons I’ve learned in almost 3 Years of Podcasting

200 | 3 Business Lessons I’ve learned in almost 3 Years of Podcasting

3 Business Lessons in almost 3 Years of Podcasting - Danielle shares three vital podcasting lessons, so come ready to take notes!


What You'll Learn in this Episode:

3 Business Lessons in almost 3 Years of Podcasting:

  • Collaborations are EVERYTHING when It comes to growth and exposure

  • Listening is one of the most powerful skills You can Develop as an Entrepreneur

  • Consistency is Key to Building Trust

1. The Power of Collaborations for Growth

  • Harness strategic collaborations to boost exposure and business growth.

  • Utilize podcast swaps and events to cross-promote, reaching new audiences.

2. Active Listening: A Entrepreneur's Superpower

  • Develop the skill of active listening to understand customer pain points and desires.

  • Conduct market research to tailor products and services to your audience's needs.

3. Consistency Builds Trust and Community

  • Be consistent in content creation or service delivery to build trust and loyalty.

  • Understand the compound effect—small, consistent actions lead to significant results.


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[00:00:00] Danielle: I cannot believe this is our 200th episode of the podcast. How wild is it that I have been podcasting for long enough for this to be the 200th episode? I am just mind blown with what that this journey of podcasting for almost three years has given to me. And I'm so excited to be sharing that with you on the podcast today, I'm going to be sharing with you what I have learned, three things that I have learned about business in almost three years of podcasting, but I just also wanted to say a huge thank you.

[00:00:39] Danielle: To those of you who have been listening to this podcast, um, supporting the podcast, sharing it with your friends. It is honestly such a blessing to just be able to show up behind a microphone in your earbuds. I am just so honored that you choose to tune into this podcast and thank you so much. [00:01:00] Um, We have actually hit a very, very exciting, uh, goal.

[00:01:05] Danielle: I've had this goal for a while now and we just recently hit the top 1 percent of podcasts globally. So thank you so, so much for supporting the show, for rating and reviewing this show and If you haven't actually gone in and rated and reviewed the show, whether it's on Spotify or on Apple, if you could just take a second to do that right now, honestly it means so much and it really allows me to see, um, what you guys are loving.

[00:01:39] Danielle: Especially when you leave a written review on Apple, it allows me to see like what you want to hear more of, what have been some of your favorite episodes, and it also helps other people to find the show. It means so much to me when you do that. So if you haven't yet, please take a second to rate and review the podcast, that would be so much appreciated.

[00:01:56] Danielle: So incredible. So let's go ahead and dive [00:02:00] into our episode today. I'm going to be sharing my three things, three top things that I've learned about business over these past three years of podcasting. So let's jump in. Welcome to the business babes collective podcast. I'm your host. In this podcast, you'll learn tangible business tips and strategies on how to grow successfully and sustainably.

[00:02:25] Danielle: We'll also interview seasoned entrepreneurs so you can listen in on their stories and see behind the scenes of what it took to grow and scale their businesses. Let's dive in as we discuss the wild, exciting, crazy, challenging rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship. Okay. So the first thing I've learned in three years of podcasting is that collaborations are everything when it comes to growth and exposure.

[00:02:53] Danielle: Now I've known this for a very long time and this is literally exactly what I teach [00:03:00] all of our entrepreneurs to do. What I teach my coaching clients do, our mastermind, anyone in any of our programs is teaching them how to use strategic collaborations to grow their businesses. But collaborations is honestly the number one way that we have grown our business and not surprisingly, it has been the biggest strategy that we've also used to grow the podcast as well.

[00:03:25] Danielle: So not just by having amazing guests on our podcast, which, which is of course is one form of collaborations. But all the collaborations that we do in our business and how we actually cross promote that with the podcast. So there's lots of different ways that we do that. Obviously we have our email list where we share episodes of the podcast there.

[00:03:49] Danielle: Social media. That type of thing, but also by doing things like podcast swaps and guesting on other people's podcasts. So when I first [00:04:00] launched this podcast, I went ahead and I pitched myself for a lot of other podcasts. And a lot of times, what I did is that if I felt that they would be a good fit for my podcast as well, I would pitch for us to do a swap.

[00:04:16] Danielle: So having them come on my podcast and me go on theirs. And it was a really, really cool and fun way to actually get more exposure for the podcast and have really, really awesome guests on ours. Um, it's really cool actually to have other... podcasters on my podcast because they're used to interviewing other people and they often really understand the concept of podcasting.

[00:04:45] Danielle: So they're really easy guests to have on and it's a lot of fun and I just love the collaboration piece of this. So that is one of the biggest ways that we have been able to grow. This podcast is through collaborations. [00:05:00] Another example of this is us hosting our virtual and in person events. Now, as many of you know, I love hosting events.

[00:05:08] Danielle: I think it's such a powerful way to help grow your business. And if you're interested in learning more about hosting events, I highly recommend listening to the episode that I recently did one 97. We talk about. power of hosting events to grow your business. So feel free to listen to that if you want to learn more about events.

[00:05:26] Danielle: But basically, um, through this, through our in person and our virtual events, we cross promote the podcast there as well. So as you all know, I'm a huge fan of collaborative events. So bringing in other people to speak at events, to sponsor the events, to be vendors at the events. So it's a very collaborative way of, um, hosting events that we teach and that we do within our business.

[00:05:53] Danielle: And, um, through that, we also cross promote the podcast. And then the cool thing is, is that we will also host [00:06:00] speakers that we're going to have at our events on the podcast as well. So it basically is like one big, huge collaborative. thing that we do and we basically cross promote from the podcast to the events the events the podcast and it's a really cool Basically ecosystem that we have within our business that creates this Really amazing community of people that listen to the podcast that attend our events that I get to know through our online community and also our in person events.

[00:06:34] Danielle: And this is something that any business owner could do using collaborations to grow and scale your business, get in front of new audiences and be able to grow your community. I would love to share with you how to do that more strategically for your specific business. So if you're curious. Send me a DM on Instagram, find me at dannylivinglife, send me the word collaborations, tell me a little bit more about your [00:07:00] business and we can kind of strategize.

[00:07:02] Danielle: I can give you some tips on how to actually create a collaboration plan specific to you and your business. And I can give some examples of the clients that I've worked with or different mastermind members that have been in our community and how they've been able to do it. And I can also send you some, uh, recommendations for podcast episodes to listen to.

[00:07:22] Danielle: So if you're interested in using collaborations to grow your own business, send me a DM that says collaborations and we can get you started on the right foot. Okay. The second lesson that I have learned from almost Three years of podcasting is that listening is one of the most powerful skills you can develop as an entrepreneur I think that as business owners it is so vital that we become good listeners Because when we are creating products and services for our ideal clients and customers We need to [00:08:00] understand what their pain points are.

[00:08:02] Danielle: We need to understand what their desires are. We need to understand if our products and services are actually meeting our ideal clients needs. And so when we are just creating out of, uh, just our own minds and we're not actually connecting or listening to our ideal client, then we are missing out on so much opportunity.

[00:08:29] Danielle: So one thing that I think podcasting has taught me is really how to actively listen to other people. I've been able to now interview over a hundred business owners on the podcast. And it has truly been such an honor to be able to interview incredibly inspiring women that have built massively successful businesses.

[00:08:53] Danielle: And I think one thing that I love about these conversations is that they're really authentic. I [00:09:00] am truly curious about these women. And so when we have a conversation on the podcast, what I want it to feel like is that we are Sitting down for coffee and just talking about what it took to scale their business.

[00:09:16] Danielle: And you are coming in as a listener, just. Basically being a fly on the wall and getting to listen in on conversations that I have with friends of mine, that I have with other amazing business women that I admire, and collaborators, people within our community, our mastermind members, or our students. I think that actively listening has been such a skill that I've been able to develop with the podcast and that has also served me in our business.

[00:09:48] Danielle: I have done so much more market research as you know if you listened to our last episode. I did a call out for people to connect with me. [00:10:00] and to give us feedback on a new offer that we're launching. And so when we're able to actively listen to our ideal customers and clients, we're able to actually develop products and services that truly meet their needs.

[00:10:15] Danielle: And so I think that it's. It's super important to be able to do that. And then another thing around listening and being a good listener is that I have really tried to listen to you as the listener of your feedback, of your questions, things that you've sent me in my DMs. or things that you've shared over email that you still have questions on or things that you want to learn more about.

[00:10:42] Danielle: I have taken that and really taken that to heart and created content and created podcast episodes that specifically answer your questions or specific. specifically serve you in helping you, um, get that desired outcome that you [00:11:00] want. And so I think that is a huge reason why we've been able to hit the top 1 percent of podcasts globally, because we've created content that actually resonates with you as a listener.

[00:11:10] Danielle: So hopefully if you are someone who has been a long time listener of the podcast, hopefully you feel that, uh, my heart is to create content that really. Uh, inspires you that excites you that educates you and that truly actually makes an impact in your business. And so if there is ever questions that you have or topics that you want me to cover, please let me know.

[00:11:34] Danielle: Because. That is what this podcast is all about. It's all about giving you the content that you truly want and that you need. So that is the second lesson that I've learned. The third lesson that I have learned in the three years of podcasting is that consistency is key in building a community. You have probably heard this before.

[00:11:56] Danielle: This is not new news to you. The importance of being [00:12:00] consistent in your business. But for those of you who maybe don't understand the immense value of consistency, I highly recommend that you read the book, the compound effect by Darren Hardy. I read this early on in my journey of entrepreneurship. I think I probably read it within like the first couple of years in becoming an entrepreneur.

[00:12:23] Danielle: And it honestly changed my perspective so much. It is all about this concept of seemingly small action steps leading to massive results in your life and in your business. So it is so true that consistency really compounds over time. So since we've launched the podcast, I have been putting out on average about one to two episodes a week since the end of 2020.

[00:12:51] Danielle: So that's been almost three years now. And since this podcast started, I've also had. Two babies in that time. [00:13:00] It is so wild to think back at my journey when I first started the podcast, because I was still pregnant with Rosie. And, uh, now I have Rosie who's over two years old now, and I have another five month old baby boy.

[00:13:19] Danielle: So it's just so crazy to think back on what my perspective was when I first started the podcast and what it is now and what it's become. But the cool thing is, is that because of the consistency that we've had over the past several years, I've had many of you that listen to the podcast say, Hey, I've been listening to this podcast for the last couple of years, or, um, you know, I've been listening, I've been tuning in and now I'm excited to work with you, whether it be.

[00:13:50] Danielle: You know, as a coaching client or, um, applying for our mastermind or being in one of our programs or some of you who have attended our in person [00:14:00] events. Um, so it's been so cool to be able to meet some of you. And I think it's just so powerful when someone shows up on a consistent basis. You build that trust with them.

[00:14:12] Danielle: You build that know, like, and trust with that person. And I hope that you have been able to build that with me if you've been here for any length of time. And if you're new, then welcome. I'm so glad you're here and I can't wait to get to know each other even more. So, uh, I do want to say, I do want to mention though, that I have not had a perfect record for consistency.

[00:14:37] Danielle: And I talked a little bit about. Um, this striving for perfection and the last couple of episodes. So feel free to binge listen if you haven't listened to those episodes yet, but I don't want you to strive for perfection on this. I have had seasons where I have had to put a pause on the podcast. I had one season right after Rosie was born.

[00:14:59] Danielle: We're [00:15:00] actually didn't put out an episode for a few months, but after I got back into the swing of things, uh, I was able to consistently put out an average of one to two episodes a week. And, um, there have been a couple of weeks that I've missed. In there. So again, it's not saying that I have had a perfect record with this, but I've tried to be really consistent with this podcast.

[00:15:23] Danielle: I've tried to be really consistent for you, this community who shows up for me week after week and listens to these episodes. And so I have tried to build that trust and build that loyalty with you. So that you can count on me for this content that I put out week to week. So I want you to think about how can you take these three lessons that I have learned through podcasting and whether or not you have a podcast or not, it really doesn't matter, but really utilizing these three lessons, collaborations, how [00:16:00] to utilize collaborations in your business at the power and this.

[00:16:03] Danielle: skill of learning how to be an active listener so that you can truly put out products and services that your ideal client wants and needs. And then also consistency. How can you be consistent with either content that you're putting out there or the way that you are servicing your clients, whatever that means, but how can you implement these three lessons that I've shared into your own business?

[00:16:29] Danielle: That's all I wanted to share with you today. And I hope you found this episode very valuable. And I also wanted to say a huge thank you to those of you who've reached out from our last episode about doing coffee with me in exchange for, uh, market research that we are conducting for our new offer and the spots for these coffee chats that we're doing filled up super, super quickly.

[00:16:56] Danielle: But if you are still interested in connecting with me [00:17:00] and giving me feedback on this new offer there, then you can go over to my Instagram. I will link it in the show notes. And you can comment on my last post. It is the last reel that I posted by the time this... This podcast episode airs, so I'll link it in the show notes, but you can comment on that post if you would still like to do a coffee market research call with me.

[00:17:24] Danielle: And if there's anyone that cancels their call, I will put you on a wait list. So as I shared in the last episode, we are working on something. so exciting inside of the business behind the scenes. And I am so excited about this and I'll be giving more hints soon. But if you want to get on the wait list, this is a new offer specifically designed for women business owners who already run a business.

[00:17:51] Danielle: You've already monetized your business and you are making money. So you have clients, you have customers purchasing from you. Now you're ready to grow and scale that [00:18:00] business. You want to increase your revenue. You want to create collaborative partnerships. You want to grow your email list and exposure.

[00:18:06] Danielle: You want to create consistent and reliable revenue, and you want to run your business. part time. So you can enjoy your life, travel more, spend more time with your kids, whatever you want to do, and you don't want your business to rule your life. So if you are interested in learning more about this offer that we have, we are going to be launching it in the next month.

[00:18:29] Danielle: So you can get on the wait list by going to the link in our bio, or you can just go to businessbabescollective. com and you can click on the link there. But you are going to get access to not only the promotional pricing for this offer, but you're also going to get first access when we do our prelaunch and you are going to get a bunch of bonuses added as well.

[00:18:52] Danielle: So Definitely get on the wait list for that. I cannot wait to share with you what we're working on. But in the [00:19:00] meantime, thank you so much for tuning into this episode. I can't wait to see you in the next one.

[00:19:08] Danielle: If you love this episode, make sure you screenshot post and tag us on Instagram at business babes. Co want to know when the next episode goes live, subscribe on your podcast app, and while you're there, give us a review until next time, keep dreaming big, setting goals and taking action.

Danielle Wiebe