201 | Why Collaborations are Our #1 Business Growth Strategy

Collaborations are not just a growth strategy; they are a dynamic force that builds relationships, credibility, and sustainable growth.


Danielle shares 5 Top Benefits of Collaborations and why Collaborations are our #1 Growth Strategy as a Business. 

Collaborations are not just a growth strategy; they are a dynamic force that builds relationships, credibility, and sustainable growth.

Five Benefits of Collaborating:

1. Forge Powerful Connections:

  • Dive into collaborations to inject joy and companionship into your business journey.

  • Transform the solitary grind into a team effort, making the entrepreneurial path more vibrant and less isolating.

2. Command New Audiences:

  • Harness the potency of collaborations to unveil your business to untapped markets.

  • Craft organic pathways to expansion by aligning with partners and significantly broadening your reach.

3. Establish Unshakable Trust:

  • Utilize collaborations as trust-building crucibles, where credibility is solidified through shared efforts.

  • Leverage the established trust of your collaborators to swiftly earn the confidence of their audience.

4. Secure Sustainable Growth:

  • Pave the way for sustainable business expansion through strategic collaborations.

  • Streamline operations, cut overhead costs, and commit to long-term strategies that foster steady and enduring growth.

5. Monetize Community Growth:

  • Propel your community's expansion and pocket revenue simultaneously through collaborative initiatives.

  • Challenge the conventional advertising norms by discovering the thrill of being paid to foster community growth


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[00:00:00] Danielle Wiebe: Welcome back to another episode of the Business Babes Collective Podcast. I'm your host, Danielle Wiebe, and I am so grateful that you're here today joining me. And if you're new here, welcome. I'm so happy to have you here. This is a really cool opportunity that I get to share my strategies with you, share incredibly inspiring entrepreneurs with you, and we have so much in store.

[00:00:27] Danielle Wiebe: I Honestly, I'm so excited for the direction of this podcast and where it's going and some of the episodes we have coming up. So stay tuned because it's about to get real good. And if you're not subscribed to the podcast yet, definitely hit subscribe because you don't want to miss any episodes. And it also helps us to have more people find the show.

[00:00:48] Danielle Wiebe: If you just hit that little follow button or subscribe button on whatever platform you are using, that is the way that you can support us and help us out. In this episode, we're going to dive into why [00:01:00] collaborations are our number one growth strategy in our business, and also the five benefits of collaborating.

[00:01:08] Danielle Wiebe: Now, the reason I want to share this is because I want to open up your mind. I want you to be thinking creatively about growth in your business. I think sometimes we get so bogged down with the day to day, or we're just kind of. On a hamster wheel, just doing the same things over and over again. And we're expecting this different result.

[00:01:26] Danielle Wiebe: We're expecting to create this momentum in our businesses. And so sometimes I think it's good to really just. Get a fresh perspective on your business and a fresh perspective on growth And so I want to inspire you today of why I think, why I advocate so much for collaborations I know all of you, all of you know that if you listen to this podcast if you're a longtime listener Or if you know me well, you know that you can't talk to me about business with out talking to me about collaborations because it has been [00:02:00] really the pretty much the only strategy, one of the only strategies we've used to grow our community to reach, uh, over 100, 000 entrepreneurs across the world.

[00:02:11] Danielle Wiebe: And so. I did a talk this week in front of 200 entrepreneurs in a room of amazing people. And the talk that I did really resonated. So I decided that I wanted to record a mini series for this podcast somewhat based on my talk. Although, um, I only had 20 minutes in that talk. And so there's a lot of things that I didn't.

[00:02:34] Danielle Wiebe: Get to and so I want to kind of dive deeper and give some examples and I'm super excited about it so We are going to do a series on the podcast I think this is the first time we've done like an official series and it's going to be multiple episodes and in this series We're going to cover everything from the reason why collaborations are important, the five laws of collaboration, and what you [00:03:00] should do before you pitch a collaboration, and also some of the top growth strategies that you can use to get exposure to thousands of new people every single month, um, without spending money on ads or needing to go viral on social media.

[00:03:15] Danielle Wiebe: Again, I'm not against ads, I'm not against social media. We use social media for our business. We currently are not running any ads because the collaborative strategies that we have are just working really well and we're really enjoying this organic growth. And so I think the other reason why we haven't really dabbled into paid advertisement too much yet is because we're really figuring out and testing is working for our community and using it as a really a case study so that we can learn what's working and we can share that with you.

[00:03:47] Danielle Wiebe: So I always like to actually implement something in our business, not only in our business, but then also in our clients, businesses, as well as our mastermind and our communities before we start teaching it as [00:04:00] a. strategy, like as a specific strategy that has like a framework and all of those things. And so this is really exciting.

[00:04:07] Danielle Wiebe: I feel like there is just these frameworks that are coming together, um, for how we are supporting our clients to hit their goals. And so it's really exciting that I get to also bring you in. on a little bit to that. If you're curious about, you know, what it's like to be a part of our community or to be a client of mine or to be one of our mastermind members, we can kind of take you a little bit behind the scenes so you can see what that is like and who knows.

[00:04:33] Danielle Wiebe: I might even bring some of our mastermind members on the podcast or community members, um, let me know if you're interested in me doing that so I can showcase them. Obviously promote them. I love to promote our community members, but also just to showcase their stories because I think sometimes I think it's great to hear from people who have accomplished really, really big things.

[00:04:55] Danielle Wiebe: And, you know, we've had some incredibly inspiring guests on the podcast and [00:05:00] we will continue to do that. However, sometimes it's also nice to just hear from people who are in the trenches and really just working towards their goals and what is working for them and what's not working for them. So today, again, we're going to be talking about the five benefits of collaborating, why it's our number one growth strategy.

[00:05:16] Danielle Wiebe: But before we dive in, have you heard the exciting news? If you've been listening to the past couple of episodes, you probably know that I've been teasing that we are launching something brand new to this community. And I am so excited. So, so excited about it. It's going to be an absolute game changer when it comes to taking your business to the next level.

[00:05:39] Danielle Wiebe: So if you are a business owner who not only wants strategy, but you also need that support, you want that accountability. You're also looking for exposure. You're looking for connections and you want to be connected to an epic group of people. You want to be a part of a community of people who are really doing big things, [00:06:00] dreaming big and not only that, but taking action.

[00:06:03] Danielle Wiebe: So if you would like to get on the wait list, send me a DM on Instagram. I'm at Danny living life. So Danny with an I living life. And. Send me the word waitlist and I will make sure to get you on that waitlist. And also you can ask any questions thing because we are curating this specifically for our community.

[00:06:24] Danielle Wiebe: We're curating it based on what our community has told us that they want. We're also doing a lot of market research right now to just make sure it's the absolute perfect offer and the perfect fit for what our community wants and needs right now. Okay, let's go ahead now and dive into our episode today.

[00:06:42] Danielle Wiebe: Welcome to the Business Babes Collective podcast. I'm your host, Danielle Wiebe. In this podcast, you'll learn tangible business tips and strategies on how to grow successfully and sustainably. We'll also interview seasoned entrepreneurs so you can listen in on their stories and see behind [00:07:00] the scenes of what it took to grow and scale their businesses.

[00:07:03] Danielle Wiebe: Let's dive in as we discuss the wild, exciting, crazy, challenging rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship. Let's Go ahead and just jump right into the five top benefits of implementing collaborations in your business strategy. So number one is that collaborations are relationship focused. So you have all probably heard the Saying, business is about who you know, not what you know.

[00:07:33] Danielle Wiebe: And business is all about relationships and so are collaborations. The other thing about collaborations is that it just makes it so much more fun and less lonely. Doing your business alone. I think that, you know, as entrepreneurs, we're working often from our homes or we're working from coffee shops or maybe coworking spaces.

[00:07:53] Danielle Wiebe: But you know, a lot of times, especially when we're getting started or working alone before we have a team or before we have people [00:08:00] we're working with, it's just us. And so the cool thing about collaborations is that basically you're working with other business owners and those people kind of become.

[00:08:10] Danielle Wiebe: somewhat of your team, right? So if you're doing things together, if you're collaborating, if you're working with each other, um, and again, we're going to share about different collaborative opportunities and different ways that you can collaborate with other people in future episodes, but it is just so fun.

[00:08:26] Danielle Wiebe: And it also is so much less lonely. The second benefit is exposure and audience growth. So when you are collaborating with other businesses or other brands or other entrepreneurs, you are getting to get in front of new audiences. So whenever you're doing a collaboration, whether it be an event or whether it be a social media collaboration, or, um, maybe you are going to get on someone's podcast or YouTube channel or, um, blog, whatever that might be.

[00:08:58] Danielle Wiebe: You are now getting [00:09:00] exposed and getting to be in front of a whole new audience. And so the reason why, and again, we're going to talk about this in future episodes, but the reason why, um, I think it's really important to make sure you're collaborating with people who have really aligned audiences and that really share your values is because you're going to get exposure to that community.

[00:09:22] Danielle Wiebe: So ideally it's a community of ideal. Um, clients or customers or people for your specific business, your product or service. So that is another huge benefit of collaborating. Number three is that it builds trust and credibility with your community and the community that you're building. So when you.

[00:09:43] Danielle Wiebe: collaborate with another business or another brand that that person already knows. So they already know and like that person that you're collaborating with, then they automatically start to know, like, and trust you as well. And so this is really cool [00:10:00] because it's almost like a, um, you know, when you go to Disneyland and you get your fast pass, right?

[00:10:05] Danielle Wiebe: I can't remember who said this. someone that said this. And if anyone knows who it is, please let me know. But, um, when you are collaborating with someone else, it's kind of like a Disneyland fast pass because instead of just showing up in that person's, you know, feed on their Instagram. And so then maybe they start following you, but they're not really sure, like, is this?

[00:10:27] Danielle Wiebe: person legit or are they not? Or for example, um, you are running paid ads, right? If someone lands on your website, just from a paid advertising. advertisement, that person needs to spend some time like, Hey, is this person trustworthy? Trustworthy? Is this a legitimate business? All of that. However, if they see you collaborating, working with another business that they've already built that trust with, then they're going to be able to build that trust with you.

[00:10:56] Danielle Wiebe: So much quicker. Okay. Number four [00:11:00] is sustainable growth. So when we talk about growth in our businesses, I always want to talk about, okay, what is sustainable? What does it mean to grow your business in a sustainable way? And for me, collaborations are very sustainable because it can reduce your overhead costs.

[00:11:20] Danielle Wiebe: So, you know, a lot of people talk about how they, how they have these crazy income months, right? Like I'm sure you've seen it on Instagram or other places. They're like, I made a hundred K in one month or I made a hundred K in one week, whatever that looks like. And it was so easy. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Um, first of all, if someone says that they made a hundred K in a month and it was easy and it happened overnight.

[00:11:46] Danielle Wiebe: Please run from that person because, um, that just doesn't happen overnight. You need to build it. And if it did happen, then it was probably because maybe one of their, one of their Instagram reels went totally viral [00:12:00] and they had like millions and millions and millions of new people, you know, maybe on their website.

[00:12:04] Danielle Wiebe: So just know that whenever. someone has those big income months or big income years that has usually taken years and years and years to build. And so sustainability is so much more important than just those crazy big income months. And sometimes, you know, when people say that, like, Oh, we had a hundred thousand dollar 120, 000 on ads?

[00:12:36] Danielle Wiebe: You don't actually know that. They could actually be running in the red and you would never know that because technically, yes, they made a hundred thousand dollars, but they spent even more on advertising or maybe on their team or on overhead in their business. So just be wary. I know this is a bit off topic, but just be wary with people online telling you that you can just make money so quickly overnight [00:13:00] and it's easy.

[00:13:01] Danielle Wiebe: Um, The people that I really respect, the entrepreneurs that I follow and that I admire and that I collaborate with, are the ones who really are down to earth and real in that if they have built a very successful business, successful, um, profitable business. It has taken them years to build that business.

[00:13:22] Danielle Wiebe: It has taken them, um, you know, sometimes blood, sweat and tears to, to make that a reality. And so sustainability for me is how can we build these connections? How can we build these relationships that really support our business longterm, not just let's throw a ton of money on ads and hope that they work, right?

[00:13:43] Danielle Wiebe: So again, I'm not against advertising. I think, um, paid advertising definitely has its place. And if you have a product or a service and a system, and, um, that is. It's already maybe automated and it's doing really well [00:14:00] organically. That's when I would recommend bringing in advertisements so that you can really just like scale that up.

[00:14:05] Danielle Wiebe: Um, but again, you don't even need to use paid ads if you get really good, good organic reach as well. Okay. I'm getting off my soft box on that. Whew. I feel like I need a sip of water there. Um, okay. So, uh, number five is that through collaborations you can have bonus revenue in your business. This is my favorite.

[00:14:31] Danielle Wiebe: I absolutely love this one because I think what's really exciting and what I love to share with my clients is that you can actually get paid. To grow your community instead of spending money on advertising to grow your community. So let me, let me, um, explain what I mean by this. So one of the strategies that I teach, um, it's actually inside of a program that we're, we're doing right now.

[00:14:57] Danielle Wiebe: One of the strategies that I teach is doing [00:15:00] virtual events. And when you host virtual events, especially if they're collaborative virtual events, you are actually getting paid. to grow your community. You're getting paid to grow your email list, and you're getting paid to, um, be able to get in front of new audiences.

[00:15:19] Danielle Wiebe: So that is a really cool strategy. Another strategy, and we'll, we'll go into more detail on a lot of these in future, um, episodes, but another one is in person live events. So a lot of people think that live events have to cost money. Now, sometimes they do. And if you don't have a really strong strategy around them, then yes, they will cost you money.

[00:15:41] Danielle Wiebe: However, um, the way that I teach my clients. To host events is I teach them how to host events profitably. So there are a lot of different strategies around this through sponsorships and negotiation, which we'll talk about in future episodes of the podcast. Um, but just knowing that [00:16:00] you can, instead of paying to reach more people, you can actually get paid to grow your community.

[00:16:08] Danielle Wiebe: So thinking about it from a different perspective and just thinking creatively about your business is so valuable. All right. One more bonus benefit is that you can have compounding results when you collaborate with other business owners. So this is so key. Understanding that when you collaborate with other people and you create some of these experiences, whether it be events or um, whether you're going to guest on people's podcasts, whatever that is, there are ripple effects that happen from that.

[00:16:51] Danielle Wiebe: So for example, every time that I do a collaboration, whether I'm on a podcast or I host an event, there are always ripple effects. I often [00:17:00] get asked to speak at different events or I get exclusive invites to events or masterminds or opportunities to, you know, Um, collaborate with other people that I've been wanting to collaborate with for a very long time or get connected to someone who I've been wanting to be connected with for, um, for years, right?

[00:17:18] Danielle Wiebe: And so every time that I do that, I'm expanding my network and I'm able to connect with more people. And in that way, you know, it's just. A compounding effect of growing the business because the more people that know about the business and the more people that are exposed to the business, um, the more we can see that growth.

[00:17:41] Danielle Wiebe: And so, uh, I hope that this has been helpful. I hope that this episode got your wheels turning and got you inspired and excited. Collaborations are incredibly powerful. If they're done correctly. And so as we go through the series together, we'll be [00:18:00] talking about different types of collaborations, the rules behind collaborations, how they can be successful and so much more.

[00:18:07] Danielle Wiebe: So definitely subscribe and stay tuned to the future episodes. And if you want to actually see a collaboration in. action. We are hosting a collaborative virtual event that is starting on October 30th. So if you want to join us and snag a free ticket, you can do that by going to business babes, collective.

[00:18:28] Danielle Wiebe: com slash rise together and come be a part of our five. day action packed event where you'll be soaking up wisdom from the top business experts worldwide. And the purpose of this event is just to remind you that you don't have to build your business alone. It is so much more impactful, so much more sustainable and so much more enjoyable when you can build your business with a vibrant community of other entrepreneurs who [00:19:00] are going to support you as well.

[00:19:01] Danielle Wiebe: So you can reserve your free ticket. to join us. And when you do, you can expect to walk away with the confidence and motivation to take action on your big business goals. You're also going to learn really awesome, cool out of the box strategies on how to boost your visibility, boost your credibility and your income.

[00:19:21] Danielle Wiebe: And you're also going to discover new creative ways to collaborate with other business owners and scale your business. So this is a live. So you can interact, you can ask questions, you can engage and connect, and you're not only going to leave with amazing insights, but also new connections for your business.

[00:19:43] Danielle Wiebe: So come join us. And if you actually decide to join us in VIP, you can also take advantage of our connecting collab event, which. Who knows, you might just need your next biz bestie. Don't miss this opportunity. I would love to have you there. Can reserve your ticket by going to business [00:20:00] babes collective.com/rise together, or you can click the link in our show notes.

[00:20:05] Danielle Wiebe: I can't wait to see you there. I hope you enjoyed this episode, and if you did come, let me know. Let me know what your biggest takeaway was from this episode. I always love hearing from you, so send me a dmm. I'm a real, I'm a real human, I'm a real person behind the mic and I just love connecting with you.

[00:20:24] Danielle Wiebe: I honestly love hearing from you. So it means a lot when you send me a message and you let me know that you are tuning in. And if you want to, you can share on your Instagram stories that you are tuning in and tag me and I will repost you and connect with you there. I hope you have a great day. I hope you have a great rest of your day, and I will talk to you in our next episode.

[00:20:48] Danielle Wiebe: If you love this episode, make sure you screenshot, post and tag us on Instagram at Business Babes Co. Want to know when the next episode goes live? Subscribe on your podcast app, and while you're there, [00:21:00] leave us a review. Until next time, keep dreaming big, setting goals, and taking action.

Danielle Wiebe