199 | Stop Overthinking Decisions in Your Business! P.S. Let’s Have Coffee ;)

199 | Stop Overthinking Decisions in Your Business! P.S. Let’s Have Coffee ;)

If you can conquer indecision, your business will grow faster!


This episode is all about conquering indecision and growing in your business!

Learn the power of quick decisions and embracing failure. Take action, stop overthinking, and sign up for our VIP waitlist because something exciting is coming to Business Babes!

The Challenge of Overthinking:

  • Danielle discusses the common challenge of overthinking decisions in business.

  • Specific themes emerge among clients and within her own business that need addressing.

Detail Orientation vs. Action-Taking:

  • Being detail-oriented is super valuable but don’t underestimate the potential pitfalls of getting stuck in decision-making.

  • Dani shares her own experience as a big-picture thinker and action-taker.

Making Decisions Quickly:

  • Make decisions quickly and not let small details hinder business growth.

  • Why do you need to align decisions with personal feelings?

Learning from Failure:

  • Failing fast and increasing experimentation can actually make your business grow faster!

  • Embrace messy action and learn from failures rather than fearing them.

Community Support:

  • Seeking feedback and support from communities, masterminds, and coaches.

  • Don’t underestimate the value of having a supportive network for bouncing ideas and getting questions answered.


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[00:00:00] Danielle: Welcome back to another episode of the business babes collective podcast. I am your host, Danielle Wiebe. And in today's episode, we are going to dive into a topic that has been a front of mind for me for a while now. And I always. find it so interesting how things, topics and challenges or different things will come up.

[00:00:25] Danielle: And it will be like a theme. It'll be a theme that my clients or mastermind members or people in our programs are struggling with or dealing with. And also it will come up in my own business. And so I know that it's something that I need to address and talk about publicly. And the podcast is the best way to do that.

[00:00:43] Danielle: So, um, welcome back to another episode. I am. So happy you're here. As always today, we're going to be talking about not overthinking decisions in your business and not letting the little details hold you back from business growth. So I'm not even going to [00:01:00] give any more intro than that. Let's just go ahead and get.

[00:01:03] Danielle: started. Welcome to the business babes collective podcast. I'm your host, Danielle. In this podcast, you'll learn tangible business tips and strategies on how to grow successfully and sustainably. We'll also interview seasoned entrepreneurs so you can listen in on their stories and see behind the scenes of what it took to grow and scale their businesses.

[00:01:25] Danielle: Let's dive in. As we discussed the wild, exciting, crazy, challenging rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship. When was When's the last time you procrastinated on something for no particular reason other than just needing to make a decision? Maybe it was hitting post on that piece of content that was sitting in your drafts because you didn't know what you should write in the caption.

[00:01:53] Danielle: Or maybe it was because you wanted to follow up with a potential client, but you didn't know the exact words [00:02:00] that you should write in the email or what the subject was. Or maybe you wanted to launch a podcast, but you are so hung up on what the name should be. I see this so often with the people that I coach, my clients, and often our mastermind members, or people in our group programs because I understand that they're kind of caught up in the details and sort of stuck in the weeds of their business based off of the questions that they ask.

[00:02:30] Danielle: So let me give you an example. Right now we're hosting our Breakthrough Growth Accelerator, which is a program where I am going through the exact strategies that we use to host collaborative virtual events to grow exposure, email list, revenue, all the things. So it's a super fun program. It's incredible.

[00:02:49] Danielle: And the people in our program are honestly so amazing. And I'm just so excited for each and every one of them. So it's been super interesting because the questions that has been coming [00:03:00] up in this program. I'm beginning to understand that a lot of people are really focusing in on the details. So they're very, very detail oriented and being detail oriented in general is not a bad thing.

[00:03:14] Danielle: It's actually a really, really good thing. I personally am not a detail oriented person. I am a big picture thinker. I'm an action taker and I've realized and I've recognized in coaching my clients and facilitating. Yeah. You know, masterminds and different group programs and hosting events that this is something that people get really hung up on when they are detail oriented is that they get stuck on making decisions.

[00:03:42] Danielle: So one of the things that I've realized that is One of my superpowers is that I take action and sometimes I take action faster than I think about the details. And you know, obviously there's challenges with that. It's not all sunshine and [00:04:00] rainbows. Sometimes I take action before I actually. Think, think things through or think if I have the right capacity for it.

[00:04:07] Danielle: Um, a good example of this is hosting our very first in person conference and telling the team, hey, we're gonna be hosting a conference and they ask me the date. I tell them the date. It's five weeks from the date that I tell them. So literally we hosted our very first in person conference. Five weeks. It took us five weeks to put together the event, curate the speakers, sell all the tickets.

[00:04:32] Danielle: It was absolutely wild. But that's just the way that I am. That's my personality. I often just jump and just hope that something's going to catch me on the way down. Um, so that is the way my brain works. And I've realized that a lot of people's brain actually is really, really focused on the plan, on the details, on the schedule, on, um, doing things in the right.

[00:04:56] Danielle: order. Now that can be incredibly [00:05:00] valuable. And I actually need those type of people in my corner because those type of people bring me back to earth and they bring me back to actually organizing things, having structure, all of that. And of course, with things like Transcribed running my programs and the mastermind, I do need that structure.

[00:05:21] Danielle: And so I need to actually build in that accountability. I need to build on that structure into not only my programs and how I'm structuring things in my business, but also just for my day to day. And so, um, the reason I, the reason I bring this up is because no matter how your brain is wired, you can either use that to your advantage or you can let it hold you back.

[00:05:46] Danielle: So let me give you an example. So right now, we are, like I said, we're hosting this Breakthrough Growth Accelerator, and I've realized that a lot of people in our program right now are very detail oriented. So the [00:06:00] questions that they're asking are things like should I do a one day summit or should I do a five day challenge?

[00:06:06] Danielle: Should I, should my um, Uh, should my event be prerecorded or should it be live? Uh, and I love strategizing those things with people. Don't get me wrong. I love answering those questions. I love actually coming up with a solution that is, and a strategy that's going to work for that specific person. But what I often come back to is I will share with them, okay, these are the benefits and these are the drawbacks of doing both, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter.

[00:06:34] Danielle: One is not better than the other. One decision that you're going to make is not better than the other decision. You just have to take action and make a decision. Go with what feels best for you. And that's often my advice when I'm coaching people is I can tell you the benefits and drawbacks of doing things a certain way or figuring out a strategy that.

[00:06:58] Danielle: might work better for your [00:07:00] personality, for you specifically, or for your specific business. But at the end of the day, you need to feel aligned with that decision. And so what I don't want for people is I don't want people to get too stuck in the weeds of their business, too stuck in the, uh, indecision of not knowing how to move forward and being somewhat paralyzed in their business.

[00:07:26] Danielle: And I see this all the time is that people have these big goals. People have these things that they want to accomplish within their business and within their lives, but they're letting all the small itty bitty details get in the way of them actually accomplishing their goals. And so I wanted to talk about this because I actually, I see this all the time in business owners that are very successful.

[00:07:52] Danielle: A lot of the people that I really look up to and people that are, uh, successful in what they're doing is they have [00:08:00] trained themselves, no matter how their brain works, whether their brain is more like mine, which is kind of big picture visionary, or if it's more detail oriented, they have trained themselves to make decisions.

[00:08:11] Danielle: quickly. They have trained themselves to move forward and actually take messy action. And in my opinion, the more messy action, the better because you learn so much more from your failures than you do from actually just planning something. And so I was actually listening to a podcast with Steven Bartlett, um, who is the podcast host of the diary of the CEO.

[00:08:38] Danielle: He is amazing. He's incredibly inspiring and he has, I think his podcast is like one of the top podcasts, um, out there. And he was being interviewed on the Erica taught me podcast, which is great by the way, you should definitely listen to it. But he was talking about how he actually incentivizes his team to do multiple experimentations.

[00:08:59] Danielle: So [00:09:00] the key, he says to the success of his businesses and he has multiple million dollar businesses is that you have to increase your experimentation. and also outfail your competition. So basically his philosophy is that the faster you can fail, the better. So when we talk about being an entrepreneur and being a business owner, when we're holding ourselves back because we're scared of failure, when we're holding ourselves back because we're scared of making the wrong decision, that is holding our business back from growth.

[00:09:36] Danielle: And so what I took from the conversation on that. podcast was that the more you fail and the more that you take messy action, the more that you're actually going to win as a business owner. And I see this all the time in business, the most successful business owners that I know, the people that I look up to the most are the ones that are feeling the most and failing the fastest.

[00:09:58] Danielle: So my [00:10:00] encouragement and my challenge to you. is to start to make decisions quickly and fail fast. Don't overthink the decisions you're making in your business because it's great to get feedback. I totally believe in getting advice, getting feedback, bouncing ideas off of other people. This is why I love personally being a part of Masterminds, having a coach, being a part of communities.

[00:10:27] Danielle: Because I can get feedback on my ideas and that's of course why I love curating this incredible community for all of you That we've built because we have created that incredibly Supportive network for other people where you can come to our community You can bounce ideas off of people you can get feedback.

[00:10:46] Danielle: You can get your questions answered and ultimately just be pushed to get out of your own way. So my encouragement to you is to, yes, get feedback from other people, but at the end of the day, [00:11:00] really listen to what feels right for you and stop second guessing yourself and just. go for it. So I want to hear from you.

[00:11:08] Danielle: I want to hear if this podcast episode has inspired you to move forward on something that you have been stuck on. Please send me a message. DM me on Instagram at dannylivinglife. I would love to hear from you. I love hearing from our podcast listeners. It is just such a joy to be able to connect with you.

[00:11:27] Danielle: So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Uh, you are amazing. And you may have seen in the title of this podcast that I said P. S. Let's have coffee. And I really do mean that. So we are working on something so incredibly exciting. I have been dropping hints for you on the podcast. We actually did a announcement on the last episode, something exciting that we're, that we're doing.

[00:11:53] Danielle: So if you haven't. Um, if you haven't heard that, if you haven't listened to it, go back and listen to that. But that's actually not [00:12:00] it. We have a lot of other things that we're currently working on behind the scenes of the business, um, including a drum roll. I'm not going to tell you exactly what it is, but I'm going to give you a hint.

[00:12:12] Danielle: It is a brand new offer that we are working on. You guys, I am so excited about this. Like I have been awake at night, just dreaming about this, thinking about it, being so excited to put this out into the world. And just like I teach my students and my clients to do anytime they're thinking of creating or launching something new, I tell them to do market research and I encourage them to actually go out there.

[00:12:41] Danielle: And if they already have a community to reach out to that community. to ask them questions and make sure that the new off offer and the new idea that they're working on is the exact right fit for what they're looking for. So this is what I am looking to do with you as our podcast [00:13:00] community. So I'm specifically looking for women business owners who are already running a business.

[00:13:07] Danielle: So this means that you've already launched your business and now you and sorry, you also have also monetized your business. So your business is making money now. I don't care how much, how much money your business is making. But as long as you have made money in your business, the amount of money does not matter.

[00:13:25] Danielle: But. just that you've proven a product or a service or an offer that you have already sold. And so if you have launched already and now you are looking to grow and scale this current business, you want to increase your revenue. You want to create collaborative partnerships. You want to grow your email list and your exposure.

[00:13:45] Danielle: You want to create consistent and reliable revenue. Uh, that's who I'm looking for. So. Bonus points if you want to do this, if you want to run a successful sustainable business part time so that [00:14:00] you can enjoy other things in your life and prioritize things like travel or spending time with your kiddos or um, checking off some of those bucket list items on your dream board, maybe like writing a book or I don't know, traveling to Europe or you know, the list goes on.

[00:14:15] Danielle: So. Again, just to recap, what I'm looking for is women owned business owners or women owned businesses who are already launched making money and you're looking to grow and scale that business, increase revenue, increase your collaborative partnerships, grow your email list, grow your exposure and create consistent revenue.

[00:14:35] Danielle: So if that's you, if it sounds like that's you and it's a good fit, I would love for you to reach out to me. So send me a DM on Instagram. Again, that's Dani living life. Send me a DM and we can chat to see if it's a good fit to hop on a quick call Basically, this is what it would look like. We'd hop on a 15 minute call.

[00:14:55] Danielle: I would ask you some really specific questions on the new [00:15:00] offer that we're running So I'm gonna ask you some of the things that you're currently struggling with some of the things that you need support with and And as a thank you, I will buy you a coffee gift card. So the last time I did this, it was actually the beginning, I think it was the beginning of last year.

[00:15:16] Danielle: And just so you know, the spots, uh, filled up really, really quickly. So if you're interested, please send me a DM as soon as you listen to this. Um, we're also going to be sending out, sending it out in an email. And so once it goes out to our email list, honestly, it's going to, the spots are going to be taken super quickly.

[00:15:34] Danielle: So if you're listening to this, then feel free to DM me. And even if you're listening to this and it's later on and you're like, I don't even know if She'll still have spots, still DM me because even if, uh, the spots are filled for that, we can still get you on the waitlist. And what we're doing is we're actually opening up a waitlist for people that are interested in this new offer that we are creating.

[00:15:58] Danielle: Again, I know I'm being very vague, [00:16:00] but, um, I can't really share much with you yet, but what is going to happen is that if you get on that waitlist, then you are going to have first access. You're going to be the first one to know about what we're working on. You'll see more behind the scenes of what we're working on.

[00:16:15] Danielle: You'll actually be able to give some of your feedback on what you want to see within this new offer. Um, you'll also get promotional pricing. All the things. So, uh, send me a DM. We'll see if you're a good fit for hopping on a call for me to buy you a cup of coffee and pick your brain. And if not, at least you can get on the VIP wait list and, um, get excited for the new offer that we have coming down the line.

[00:16:44] Danielle: So, that's all I can share with you right now. Thank you so much for listening to this podcast. Thank you so much for being a part of this community. I love you. I am so excited for what you're doing with your business. And I'm cheering you on. I hope you have an amazing day. We'll see you in the next episode.[00:17:00]

[00:17:02] Danielle: If you loved this episode, make sure you screenshot, post and tag us on Instagram at Business Babes Co. Want to know when the next episode goes live? Subscribe on your podcast app, and while you're there, leave us a review. Until next time, keep dreaming big, setting goals, and taking action.

Danielle Wiebe