203 | 5 Ideas to Grow Your Exposure and Revenue Through Collaborations

Learn how to boost exposure and revenue with these five ideas!


Danielle shares actionable strategies for business growth through collaborations. 
Learn how to boost exposure and revenue with guest speaking, hosting events, online strategies, collaborative content creation, and creative partnerships. Discover practical insights for both product and service-based businesses. 

  1. Guest Speaking:

    Guest speaking is not exclusive to coaches or consultants; it's for every business owner.

    Opportunities include in-person and online events, podcasts, or panel discussions.

    Start with small steps, practice on social media, and gradually build confidence.

  2. Hosting Events:

    In-person events are excellent for community building and collaborations.

    Collaborate with complementary businesses for pop-up shopping parties or workshops.

    Consider online events like virtual conferences, challenges, or summits for broader reach.

  3. Online Events:

    Virtual events can add 1,000+ people to your email list and generate bonus revenue.

    Strategically collaborate with speakers and sponsors to enhance the event's appeal.

    Explore different formats like pop-up shopping parties or virtual conferences.

  4. Collaborative Content Creation:

    Engage in joint content creation with aligned businesses through podcasts, live videos, or Instagram takeovers.

    Consider collaborative photo shoots or content creation days for shared exposure.

    Leverage cross-promotion on social media platforms to maximize reach.

  5. Creative Collaborative Partnerships:

    Explore affiliate marketing, where you recommend products or services for a commission.

    Long-term partnerships can include cross-promotion, joint product creation, or sponsorships.

    Ensure partnerships are a triple win: beneficial for you, the brand, and your community.


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[00:00:00] Danielle: Welcome back to another episode of the business babes collective podcast. I'm your host, Danielle Wiebe. And today we are going to talk about the five ideas to grow your exposure and revenue through collaborations. And I'm going to be giving examples for both product based business owners and service based business owners.

[00:00:19] Danielle: So stick with me. Um, I actually, this is really interesting and this is why I believe. so much in the power of market research and actually having conversations with your audience. So many of you know that we have this really exciting secret offer that we have been teasing for weeks now. If you've been listening to the podcast, you know this.

[00:00:42] Danielle: And so what we have done over the past month or so is that we have hopped on these market research calls. And I believe I did about 30, um, in the span of about four weeks, which. 30 is a lot of calls, right? So I'm getting on calls with people within our community, people that are on [00:01:00] our email list that listened to the podcast that have been community members for a long time, some people that are brand new, and it has been so eye opening just to.

[00:01:10] Danielle: hear from our community members straight from their mouths of like, what are they dealing with? What are they struggling with? What, what support do they actually need to get their businesses the next level? And what do they feel like is missing? And so that is really how we are crafting this offer is really by talking to the people that are actually in our community.

[00:01:34] Danielle: Now we do this on. Um, you know, uh, a daily, weekly, monthly basis anyways, just generally on social media. Um, obviously with our mastermind members, we're in close contact with them. We're always talking to them about what their struggles are. And so we do see themes and so we are able to predict some things and be able to create things within our business because we kind of have a good pulse on what's happening.

[00:01:59] Danielle: [00:02:00] However, this has been. So great to do. And so I just wanted to encourage you that if you are in a season of pivoting, or you're not really sure the direction of your business, or you're not really sure what specifically you need to offer, whether it be for your product based business or service based business, I highly recommend.

[00:02:18] Danielle: Talk to your customers, talk to your clients, talk to your community, ask them what they're looking for, what they want, what they need. Have it be like a co collaboration with your community. And by the way, that is why I am so passionate about building a community, not just a business. And I know I talk about this all the time.

[00:02:39] Danielle: I'm really passionate about it, but there is a reason for that. And actually, uh, one of our speakers for the Rise Together event that we're hosting right now, Jess Massey, who is the host of the Hustle Sanely podcast. She's actually been on the podcast before. She said that sometimes she forgets. that she's a product based business [00:03:00] because her, her business is so community based and she always says too that she's never worried about launching something because she has co created the products that she sells with her community.

[00:03:13] Danielle: And so I think that's just so incredibly beautiful. And so that's why I wanted to just encourage you to think. a little bit differently about your business and really kind of understand this idea of building in community and collaboration to your brand because it's so much easier to sell your products and services if you have a community around your brand that is thriving.

[00:03:37] Danielle: And that's what I am here to share with you how you can do. So, um, a

[00:03:49] Danielle: free live workshop next week. So it's a live collaborative growth workshop and it is going to be next week on Wednesday, [00:04:00] November 8th at 9 a. m. PST. So if you want to join us for that, it is going to be all about, I'm going to be breaking down how to reach thousands of your ideal clients, grow your revenue and build an authentic community online.

[00:04:16] Danielle: Through the power of strategic collaboration. So if you want to join us for that, I highly recommend you do, because it's going to be incredible. You can go to businessbabescollective. com slash collaborate and join us. Um, so if you are feeling discouraged. When it comes to building your business and you're trying to do it all on your own and you're not seeing the traction that you want to on social media or you feel like there's just should be a better way to get in front of your ideal clients and customers, then this is definitely for you.

[00:04:46] Danielle: Plus I'm going to be sharing our secret offer that I've been teasing for weeks now. So if you want to join us, you can go to businesspapescollective. com slash collaborate. You will get. So much value out of the workshop. And [00:05:00] also you're going to be the first to hear, well, one of the first of my mastermind members are definitely the first to hear about it, but you will be one of the first people to hear about our brand new offer, all of the juicy details, and you're going to get the opportunity to become a.

[00:05:16] Danielle: Founding member. I'm so excited. Okay. So join us. The link is in the show notes, or you can just go to business babes collective. com slash collaborate to sign up. Let's go ahead now and dive into the episode. Welcome to the business babes collective podcast. I'm your host, Danielle Wiebe. In this podcast, you'll learn tangible business tips and strategies on how to grow successfully and sustainably.

[00:05:44] Danielle: We'll also interview seasoned entrepreneurs so you can listen in on their stories and see behind the scenes of what it took to grow and scale their businesses. Let's dive in as we discuss the wild, exciting, crazy, challenging rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship. [00:06:00] Okay. My very first. idea of the five ideas to grow your exposure and revenue through collaborations is guest speaking.

[00:06:11] Danielle: Now, I'm sure you have heard a lot about guest speaking and maybe you've done some guest speaking or maybe you've never done any guest speaking. So wherever you're at in this journey, I believe that guest speaking is one of the best ways that you can get. in front of other people's audiences, collaborate with other people and get in front of your ideal customers and clients.

[00:06:34] Danielle: So a lot of people think that guest speaking is just for coaches or consultants. Um, but I believe that every single business owner should be implementing guest speaking into their strategy because it exposes them to a whole new audience of people. And when you get in front of a whole new audience of people, They become curious about what you have to offer your products and your [00:07:00] services.

[00:07:00] Danielle: So being a guest speaker could look like being a guest panelist at an in person event. It could look like, um, an online event that you're going to be speaking at, maybe a guest on a podcast. So these opportunities specifically are really great when it comes to, you know, being a panelist or, um, being interviewed online or interviewed on a podcast.

[00:07:24] Danielle: The reason I love these opportunities is because it doesn't take a lot of your time and effort to be on these. platform. So you'll likely be maybe promoting the event or promoting the podcast episode when it comes out, but you can basically just show up and answer questions. You don't have to prepare anything in advance.

[00:07:43] Danielle: Now, obviously this is different if you are actually preparing a presentation or a talk. Um, that would make it more work for you, but it can be equally rewarding as well as far as getting exposure in front of new audiences. The only difference is, [00:08:00] is that that will take obviously more preparation time, but the beauty of doing this a lot is that if you have a, let's say for example, you have a key talk that you do, all you have to do is slightly tweak it to each audience.

[00:08:16] Danielle: Every single time you get asked to speak and so even if it is a opportunity where you have to prepare your own talk, if you have a signature talk, then what you can do is you can basically copy and paste it and just tweak it depending on who you're speaking to. So this actually, um, I did this recently as.

[00:08:35] Danielle: You would know if you've listened to my past couple of episodes. I recently got the opportunity to speak at a local event. It was in Vancouver. It was at Science World, actually, if you are in the Vancouver area, and it was an opportunity where I had to actually present and I had to have slides and it had to be like a super specific prepared talk.

[00:08:56] Danielle: It was a 20 minute talk and I had to be incredibly valuable. [00:09:00] And so in 20 minutes I was challenged to share how we were able to grow our community through the power of collaborations and partnerships. And so obviously there's only so much I can get into in 20 minutes. But I think that it was a really, um, interesting experience for me to do that because it was a really good challenge for me to really condense the content.

[00:09:20] Danielle: Um, but that's why I wanted to do this series on the podcast. So today is the third episode of our series. So if you haven't listened to the past two episodes, I highly recommend going back and listening to those two episodes because it really sets it up. Um, I really talk about like why collaborations are important for your business, the reasons behind it.

[00:09:41] Danielle: Then I talk about the laws of collaborations, what you should be looking for, and now is the actual ideas. So getting your wheels turning, getting you inspired and getting you excited to actually put some of these things into action. So. Back to guest speaking. Um, I did that speaking event. And the cool thing [00:10:00] is, is that now what I can do with that talk, now that I've prepared it and prepped it and I have the slides is that I can basically tweak it to whatever audience that I want to speak to.

[00:10:10] Danielle: And so really actually, um, the workshop that we're going to be hosting, which is going to be next week, which I talked about in the intro, that is going to be an iteration of what I spoke on, um, at the event. self, but it's going to be in more detail because I'll have about an hour. The presentation that I'm planning for you guys is about an hour.

[00:10:30] Danielle: And so I'm going to be able to go through a little bit more detail and a little bit more like deep dive into specifically collaborations, um, and how we're able to grow our community and revenue. So if you want to join us for that again, the link is in the show notes or you can go to businessbabescollective.

[00:10:49] Danielle: com Collaborate, but I want you to think about that for you so if you have an opportunity to speak somewhere whether it be at an in person event or or a virtual event, [00:11:00] and either you're going to be a panelist or you're going to be interviewed, you know, really try to figure out, okay, what are my key points?

[00:11:07] Danielle: What are my key takeaways that I want to share on now? You could also have different specific topics for different audiences as well. If you have multiple different passions or multiple different kind of like niches that you're wanting to get in front of. So, for example, um, for me. I have people interviewing me on their podcasts or speaking at events and it can kind of range.

[00:11:28] Danielle: I mean, Um, obviously a big thing that I speak on is business and business growth and business strategy when it comes to specifically collaborations, events, partnerships, time management, all of that. But I also have a lot of different passions and a lot of different things that I'll speak on. So for example, um, my faith is really important to me.

[00:11:48] Danielle: So you know, I've been asked to speak on specific podcasts that are more faith based. And also, um, podcasts that are more motherhood based. And so there's different topics [00:12:00] and different things that I'm really passionate about talking about. So some have to do specifically to business. And so I have kind of categories within that.

[00:12:07] Danielle: I also have categories within like motherhood and marriage, and then also Within my faith as well. So you can definitely have like different topics that you speak on, and that will also allow you to expand your reach to different audiences, depending on who you're wanting to connect with. Whew. Okay. So that was a lot.

[00:12:27] Danielle: Um, one thing that I want to touch on as well is that if you're thinking to yourself, I really love this idea of guest speaking, but it scares me, right? I want you to ask yourself why it scares you because. Um, is it because you've never done it before? I know for me, public speaking has always been nerve wracking to me.

[00:12:47] Danielle: Um, actually I did a whole post on it on Instagram. If you want to go check it out, I did a reel about it and I still get nervous for speaking events. And basically what the reel was saying is [00:13:00] that I don't think it is necessary to get over your fear of public speaking. I think it's really embracing it.

[00:13:07] Danielle: And just. Just practicing and doing things outside of your comfort zone because the only way that you can become confident, the only way that you can get comfortable with the idea of public speaking is just doing it. So if you have to work your way up to it by hosting small events that then go into larger and larger events, then do that.

[00:13:28] Danielle: But I want to just encourage you, like put yourself in situations where you are outside of your comfort zone. And if you're thinking to yourself, well, I currently don't have many opportunities to do that, then practice, practice on your own account on Instagram, for example, like go live and just. Start talking, um, start a podcast.

[00:13:48] Danielle: That's a really great way to get comfortable with speaking. So there's lots of different ways that where you can practice and really create your own content. And then that's going to become a lot more comfortable when it comes to pitching [00:14:00] yourself for other opportunities as well. So again, number one is guest speaking.

[00:14:05] Danielle: Number two is hosting events. So we're going to split this into two. So the second one that I want to talk about is In person events. Now. I love in person events. That is how we started this community. That's how we grew this community is hosting in person workshops events. We also hosted our original course action takers club as an in person experience.

[00:14:31] Danielle: So we have, you know, almost eight years. Um, actually more than eight years cause I was hosting events well before I started this community. But, um, you know, I have probably about 10 years of experience in hosting events. And I think in my opinion, this is one of the best ways to grow your community, to grow your reach.

[00:14:51] Danielle: And the cool thing is, is there's so many ways to collaborate when it comes to hosting in person events. This is a great way where you can build [00:15:00] relationships and get in front of other people's audiences. And so I want to give you some examples because I think sometimes people can get stuck in like this one way of hosting an event or this one type of event.

[00:15:11] Danielle: So I want to just kind of like open your eyes to different possibilities. So let's say for example, you are a jewelry brand. You could team up with a clothing company, a skincare company, uh, and maybe like a candle brand and you can host a little pop up. Event in your area where everyone invites their own networks, you all promote it to your own email lists and your own social media accounts, your own networks, your friends, your family, and you could have a little shopping party, right?

[00:15:40] Danielle: This is an amazing way. This is a great way. Um, a great last minute idea also for getting some sales for the holidays. So get people together that have aligned brands and bring people together. For an event. Now, the great thing about this is that you can create an event [00:16:00] and collaborate with different people.

[00:16:01] Danielle: And what you can do is you can either sell tickets to the event where you have something happening during that event. Maybe you have food, maybe you have prizes. Maybe you have like, I don't know, you have speakers at the event, whatever that looks like. Um, And, or you can have it where it's a free event where people can come and maybe the main purpose is to sell products.

[00:16:21] Danielle: And instead of having to pay the overhead for all of the, like the rent for the space for example, the food, the drinks, all of those kinds of things, you can split the cost across all of the different vendors that are going to be there. Okay, let's talk about another example. Let's say you're a web designer.

[00:16:37] Danielle: You could team up with a graphic designer, a brand photographer, and someone who specializes in social media content and host like a build your brand event where you help the attendees to create content, to really figure out what they want their brand to look like. To start building out their website, get some photos, and then you can have like a Q and A time [00:17:00] where all of you can kind of be on a panel and people can ask you questions.

[00:17:04] Danielle: So that is a cool, you know, idea for, for an event that you could host. And the cool thing about this is that you would all promote it to your networks. You could sell tickets, you could monetize it right away, but then what you could do is. Basically because you are promoting it to everyone's network, you're going to get people in the room that you don't know because that person came from one of the other speakers, but maybe they're really looking for a web designer and so they go ahead and hire you, right?

[00:17:33] Danielle: So there's so many different ways to get in front of new audiences when it comes to in person events. Now, another example that I want to give, because this is something I know not everyone is wanting to host their own events. If you're not wanting to host your own event, then Get involved in events that are already happening.

[00:17:49] Danielle: So what that could look like is either sponsoring an event, um, doing a pop up at an event. So, you know, purchasing a vendor booth in an event. Um, you could also [00:18:00] either, either volunteer for an event or just buy a ticket and network. So there's lots of different opportunities to collaborate, to network specifically in person.

[00:18:10] Danielle: All right, let's go ahead and talk about online events. So that's number three. So the third idea to collaborate, to grow your exposure and revenue is online events. Whew. This is a big one. Okay. I am going to just shorten this down into like really, um, tangible things for you guys to think about just to get your wheels turning.

[00:18:32] Danielle: So you could host the same idea of. Any style of event but you can do it virtually so you could host a pop up shopping party online You could host a online conference or an online challenge or summit where you're inviting other people to be a part of it Um, either it can be a paid online event or it can be free where you have something to sell there Or you can just like sell and upgrade kind of [00:19:00] like what we do and what we're doing, um, as a part of our virtual events.

[00:19:03] Danielle: And so that is just a really great way, not only to expand your reach. So I want to just give you an example. So each time we host a virtual event, We add anywhere from one to 2000 plus new people to our email list and we also create bonus revenue in our business. Now what I mean by bonus revenue is that it's not tied to any current products or services that we already have.

[00:19:31] Danielle: It's basically. Strictly bonus revenue that is just coming from that event. So we usually make approximately 5, 000 or more per virtual event that we host. And so we have a whole strategy around this. This is something that I teach with our clients, our mastermind members and students. Um, but basically it is the idea of coming together with a group of people.

[00:19:57] Danielle: Um, it's a collaborative effort. You have different [00:20:00] speakers or sponsors. or people that are all promoting it to their own networks. You're promoting it as well. And then you have it around a specific topic that attracts your ideal client. All right. I can't go into so much detail on that, but I'm going to go to the next one.

[00:20:16] Danielle: Number four is collaborative content creation. Okay. I really, really love this one because there is so much I could talk about here, but some examples are having your own podcast where you invite guests to be on your podcast, This could also be through social media. So doing like joint live videos with other business owners.

[00:20:38] Danielle: This could also be a collaborative reel that you do, or maybe you could do a story takeover where you take over another brand's stories. They take over your stories. Again, this is. It's always going to be with a brand that aligns with your brand. So again, if you haven't listened to the first two episodes in this [00:21:00] series, I highly recommend listening to those first.

[00:21:02] Danielle: And so I personally love the idea of creating content with aligned businesses and doing Photo shoots or content creation days. So this is specifically to get content or to get B-roll content or different things for your brand. So a perfect example of this is actually something that we're gonna be doing this month.

[00:21:24] Danielle: So we're doing a content creation day with our friends at Gather Events and co. If you've been around for a long time, you know that we work with gather events for our in person events. They're amazing. And we love working with them. And so we're going to be doing a collaborative photo shoot with them and also our CMO Alicia, who's been on the podcast recently.

[00:21:44] Danielle: And then also Hannah are, um, on our team who. Most of you know her as the behind the scenes woman who literally does everything Everything under the sun for our business. She's like the operations manager [00:22:00] She's also someone who books our vendors and sponsors for our events, but she's also a very very talented photographer So we are gonna create some really epic content.

[00:22:11] Danielle: We're gonna get together And the cool thing about what we're doing is we are going to be creating content for all of us at the same time. So we're going to be creating content not only for our brand, but for the individual brands of each of these women. And then we're going to be sharing it on social and we're going to be tagging each other and we're going to be reposting it.

[00:22:32] Danielle: And so it's really a cool collaborative way where we can not only get content for our business, but also cross promote each other in the process. So another example of this could be like, let's say you have a card company where you sell greeting cards. Maybe you can collaborate with a floral company and a chocolate company and, um, let's say a skincare company and you can create content with all of your brands together and then maybe [00:23:00] even host a giver giveaway together on social media, or maybe you sell a bundle or you could just cross promote each other on social media leading up to a holiday.

[00:23:10] Danielle: Like. Like Valentine's day, for example, right? So there's so many different ways that you can do this. And so I want you to think about creative ways that you can collaborate through content creation. Wow. That's a tongue twister. Collaborative content creation. Okay. Uh, number five is creative collaborative.

[00:23:30] Danielle: partnerships. So this one is a little more broad. And the reason why I wanted to kind of like loop all of these together is because I think that there is a difference between just a one off collaboration and collaborative partnerships. So I think of collaborative partnerships as something that is an ongoing partnership relationship, something that takes a little bit more time to cultivate, but it's something that could be long [00:24:00] term benefits.

[00:24:01] Danielle: So these are kind of some of the things that I think of when I think of collaborative partnerships. So affiliate marketing or affiliate partnerships. So if you have seen You know, for example, a content creator or a course creator who has an affiliate for their programs, which means they're promoting someone else's products or someone else's services.

[00:24:24] Danielle: That is an affiliate partnership. Another example of collaborative partnerships is cross promotion strategies. So something like email list swaps with aligned businesses or doing something where you're co creating something together. So product development, you can either co create a product or co create a service or even co create a course together.

[00:24:46] Danielle: Um, sponsorships is definitely a collaborative. partnership where maybe you have a sponsorship for a company, either you are a sponsor for someone else's brand or they are a sponsor for, for your brand. And it's a long [00:25:00] term commitment. So an example that I want to give is for me specifically as a community builder, as a podcaster, a coach, a mastermind host, I have products and services that I use and I really love.

[00:25:13] Danielle: And so then I recommend them to my community and clients. And so some companies that I recommend, I have affiliate partnerships with. Which means when I promote that company and I have a specific link that I share with my community, if someone joins that, like if someone buys that product or subscribes to that service, then I get a small commission for recommending them.

[00:25:38] Danielle: So it's kind of like a thank you from the brand. So a great example of this is our email software flow desk. So I absolutely love flow desk. And we switched over from MailChimp. because I was paying hundreds of dollars every single month for my MailChimp account and it was just getting really, really expensive as our email list grew are the cost of actually sending out emails [00:26:00] grew.

[00:26:00] Danielle: And so what I loved about flow desk is that they had one specific. Um, monthly fee and it didn't grow as your community grew, grew. It just started off as that fee and it was always that fee. So I absolutely love flow desk. We've been using it ever since. And so I get to offer my community 50 percent off for an entire year and the price is super affordable monthly.

[00:26:24] Danielle: Um, and so for me to recommend that service, like to recommend it to you guys, for example, and I will put the affiliate link in the show notes because I think it's an amazing software. Um, if you guys sign up for it, the cool thing is, is that as I talked about in the last episode, Yeah. Whenever I look for collaborative partnerships, I want it to be a triple win.

[00:26:46] Danielle: So I want it to be a win for me, a win for the brand, and also a win for my community. And so the cool thing is, is that it's a win for everybody in these affiliate partnerships because The brand obviously wins because they get a [00:27:00] sale and I win because I get a commission and then you guys win because I get to share 50 percent off.

[00:27:07] Danielle: And so usually the way that collaborative affiliates work is either the person promoting the brand has some sort of bonuses that they can offer on top of what that company is already offering. or they get a specific code or discount that they can offer. And then on the backend, you get a commission.

[00:27:25] Danielle: And so that's a really great example of a collaborative partnership. And I have seen amazing collaborations with people, both in the service based industry and product based industry, co creating products together. I think it's really cool too. When a product based business owners partner with content creators.

[00:27:47] Danielle: or different people where they co create a product together and they can share in the profits of that. Like I love that kind of thing cause I think it's such a powerful partnership because let's say there's a brand that [00:28:00] has an amazing product, they don't have the exposure that they need in order to get in front of enough people.

[00:28:06] Danielle: If they're able to partner with a content creator who maybe has a really great network of people and maybe they have like hundreds or thousands, Or maybe even millions of people in their community that would be an ideal customer for that product. If they partner together, it's a win win because the content creator can get commission off of having some ownership over the product itself.

[00:28:32] Danielle: And then of course the product based business owner. They can have exposure to this massive community, not only for that one co created product, but also it'll filter into all of their products. And so I think that not enough people are really utilizing this idea of collaboration for their business.

[00:28:50] Danielle: There's so many different ways that you can collaborate. There's so many different ways that you can increase again, your exposure and your revenue. through the power of partnerships and [00:29:00] collaborations. It's something that I really want to teach you more about. And so if you are curious, if you're like, if your wheels are turning and you're excited about this idea and you want to learn more, come join us for the live collaborative growth workshop that's happening next Wednesday.

[00:29:16] Danielle: November 8th at 9 a. m. PST. Again, go to business babes collective. com slash collaborate, or you can click the link in our show notes. And in this workshop, I'm going to be breaking down how to reach thousands of your ideal clients, grow your revenue and build authentic community. online through the power of strategic collaboration.

[00:29:35] Danielle: So I'm going to be talking about ideas kind of like we talked about today, but I'm going to also get into the nitty gritty of like, how do you actually make that happen? How do you actually do that? So I cannot wait. I hope you join us for this workshop. And you're also going to hear about the really exciting offer that we have.

[00:29:54] Danielle: Like I said, that we've been teasing over the past few weeks. I am just. So thrilled [00:30:00] to be able to offer this to our community. It's something that I have known that has been needed for a very long time. And so it really has been something that we've been working on for probably several years, sort of behind the scenes, just tweaking things and working things out, and then also just.

[00:30:17] Danielle: getting feedback from our community of what they really need right now to grow to the next level. So if you're an entrepreneur who is past the starting stages of your business, you've started to make some money, you're starting to scale, um, and you're ready to not only Learn more about how you can scale your business, but also get accountability, community connection.

[00:30:40] Danielle: This might be for you. So come join us for the workshop so that you can learn and then also learn about our community that we're building and how you can be a part of it. So thank you for listening. I hope you got value out of this episode. I cannot wait to see you in the next episode. Have an amazing day.[00:31:00]

[00:31:00] Danielle: If you love this episode, make sure you screenshot post and tag us on Instagram at business babes. Co want to know when the next episode goes live, subscribe on your podcast app. And while you're there, give us a review until next time, keep dreaming, big setting goals and taking action.

Danielle Wiebe